Credit cards

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UniCredit Card Principal

39 lei
35.000 lei
Up to 50 days
You receive 0,1% BACK (in UniCredit points, 1 point = 1 LEU) at ANY PURCHASE with UniCreditCard, at retailers from Romania, but also international ones (no matter their activity field), transactions that are made at POS type machines or online; also, you receive the same cashback for the payment with UniCreditCard of utilities invoices issued by agreed beneficiaries.
3-9 instalments with 0% interest in the first 6 months from the primary card delivery

UniCreditCard Principal


Enjoy our Payment in Equal Instalments Program! You can reimburse each acquisition of at least 300 lei in a flexible way: you can choose up to 9 instalments with 0% interests, during the first 6 months after you received the card, and up to 36 instalments with annual interests reduced from 26,99% to 16,99%, anywhere in the world.

  • Use your contactless card and enjoy payments of up to 100 lei, for which you are not required to insert your PIN code. It’s fast because you only place your contactless card near the specialized terminal without having to hand it over to the cashier. The payment can be performed safely only when the amount of money is transmitted by the register to the POS terminal, and you place your contactless card at a 2-4 cm distance to the terminal, thus excluding the chance of accidental payments.
  • Just by one visit to the bank, you receive a credit limit of 700 up to 35,000 lei, according to your income. You have access to 100% of this amount for shopping in stores or online and 40% of the amount when you withdraw money from ATMs or when you request bank transfers to any current account in Romania. The maximum daily transaction limit is 8,000 lei for transactions at retailers or online and 4,000 lei at the ATMs/bank transfers.
  • The minimum amount due must be reimbursed on a monthly basis (not less than 25 lei), and it is composed of the following:
    • 4% of the amounts used in the billing cycle (the period when you can make transactions), except for the amounts reimbursed in instalments on interest;
    • 100% interest, commissions and insurance premiums (as the case may be);
    • 100% instalments on interest;
    • 100% overdrafts;
  • The grace period of maximum 50 days is only valid for payments at retailers and utility payments and you can benefit from it if you reimburse the entire minimum amount due until due date.
  • The interest rates is fixed for the entire contractual period and it fluctuates according to the transaction type:  24,99% for transactions at retailers or online and 26,99% for ATM use.
  • The card is valid for 36 months, with the possibility of automatic renewal. The contractual validity is of 3 (three) years, with the possibility of automatic renewal, according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement.

Equal Instalments Payment Program


You benefit from 0% INTERESTS for the reimbursement in 3-9 instalments for transactions of at least 300 lei, made with UniCreditCard Principal, during the first 6 months after you received the card, according to the value of the transaction:

Number of istalments
Minimum value of transaction
3 - 6 300 lei
3 - 9 400 lei


Set up the number of instalments you want to reimburse by:

  • Calling InfoCenter, to split the transactions in 3-9 instalments without interests
  • Selecting your option in the Mobile Banking app (access the Equal Installments Payment program section available in the credit card menu)
  • Answering the SMS you'll receive after every eligible transaction with the value and currency of the transaction;

The offer is available for UniCreditCard credit cards acquired between 1st of July – 30th of September, 2024, by accessing the offer available in UniCredit Bank branches or applying online. You may find more details in the Regulation of the Equal Instalments Payments Program.

For the credit cards acquired prior to July 1st, 2024, you may find details in:


In case you want to acquire or you already acquired the UniCreditCard credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing by accessing the offer in Moblie Banking app, you can access details regarding the Equal Instalments Program in the dedicated Regulation.

Furthermore, you can choose at any time to reimburse transaction of at least 300 lei (individual or cumulative) made with UniCreditCard in up to 36 instalments with fixed interests reduced from 26,99% to 16,99%/year.

Set up the number of instalments you want to reimburse by:

  • Calling InfoCenter, for the split of transactions in 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 or 36 instalments with interests
  • Answering the SMS you'll receive with the value and currency of the transaction:

You may find more details in Regulation of Equal Instalments Payments Program.



Access the amounts on your UniCreditCard easily, by transferring up to 40% of the credit limit for any current account in Romania, with a simple call to InfoCenter. You can reimburse the transferred amount:

  • In up to 36 installments with fixed interests reduced to 16,99%/year;
  • With ZERO FEES for intra or interbank transfers

You may find more details in the Regulation of Equal Instalments Payments Program.

*InfoCenter : 021 200 20 20 (call with normal fees in the landline network of Telekom Romania) or *2020 (call with normal fees in mobile networks Vodafone, Orange, Telekom Romania, RCS&RDS).



Special Offer when using UniCreditCard:

It's your summer and also your decision how you spend it. On long-dreamed vacations, at thousands of kilometers away, setting up the relaxation corner in your home, exploring the city, taking care of yourself, discovering passions...or anything else you want!

UniCreditCard credit card is backing you up all summer and a little more with interest-free installments for almost anything you want.


  • any transaction (including online ones) with an individual minimum value of 300 lei
  • made at any merchant* with your credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing.

*The offer is subject to certain terms and conditions and is valid between July 1 - September 30, 2024, for eligible transactions made in LEI or in a currency other than LEI, in physical/online locations, at merchants operating in Romania or abroad. Please find all details in the Campaign Regulations.



The ShopSmart Benefits Program

Access ShopSmart in Mobile Banking app and enjoy the benefits!

  • What you need to do? Choose and activate the offers from your favorite brands and you can accumulate UniCredit loyalty points (1 UniCredit point = 1 leu) or you can benefit of vouchers or presents at each acquisition with UniCreditCard.
  • How? Access Mobile Banking, tap the Offer section in the lower part of the screen and enter the ShopSmart program.

You get UniCredit points until the end of the following month you make the transaction. The ShopSmart program is available for the primary cards and is subjected to terms and conditions. You may find more details on the Regulation and on


UniCredit points

  • You receive 0.1% BACK   in UniCredit points (1 point = 1 Leu), at at ANY PURCHASE with UniCreditCard, at retailers from Romania, but also international ones (no matter their activity field), transactions that are made at POS type machines or online; also, you receive the same cashback for the payment with UniCreditCard of utilities invoices issued by agreed beneficiaries.
  • If you activate your credit card within 30 days from the card receipt and use it at retailers, you will receive a bonus of 30 UniCredit points.
  • The points are available for a 12 months period. Details regarding the Loyalty Program available starting with 01.01.2024 until 31.12.2024 can be found here.

With a single call at Info Center (“Customer Care Service”), you can transform a multiple of 10 points in lei (1 point = 1 leu) so you can use the money for future transactions. The points can also be used to pay the card annual administration fee: 180 points for the payment of the annual commission instead of 200 lei.

You may find below the Regulations for the Loyalty Programs available prior to January 1, 2023:

  • You can opt for the automatic debit service for the Monthly Minimum Reimbursement Amount or the Total Amount if you have a current account open at UniCredit Bank. UniCredit Bank S.A. is the participant in the Deposit Guarantee Fund in the Banking System; the deposits are guaranteed, as the case may be, by the Fund within the legal limits and terms.
  • You can access at any time the details about your credit card in our Mobile Banking app, that you can download from AppStore or Google Play and activate through a simple call to the InfoCenter. 
  • You can choose the PIN code that you wish by a simple call to Info Center (Customer Care Service). 


  • The SMS Alert service offers you the possibility to take control over your expenses because you will receive a SMS anytime you perform transactions.
  • The 3D Secure service assures secure online payments as one of the leading safest online payment platforms. You are protected against unauthorized card payments through a free enrollment and use of a dynamic Password for e-payments. If you encounter any error or suspicious transaction, please report it urgently at our Info Center;
  • You can opt for a life insurance which covers the unemployment risks, total invalidity, temporary work incapacity and death by any cause, except for exclusion express cases mentioned in the insurance agreement.


Main card   39 LEI
Main card  (payable starting with the second year) 39 LEI/year
Additional card   25 LEI/year 
ATM usage fee in UniCredit Bank S.A. network, UniCredit Group network from abroad and Euronet network in Romania 2% of the transaction value
Fee for ATM usage of other banks network in Romania and from abroad 2% + 4 LEI 
Fee for Quasi-cash/Unique transactions 0 LEI 
Card replacement (lost, stolen, deteriorated, destroyed, demagnetized)  25  LEI 
Cash back transaction at POS  1 LEU 
Daily POS(or internet) utilization 8000 LEI / 2000 EUR
Daily ATM utilization 4000 LEI / 1000 EUR
Daily POS(or internet) transactions 10
Fee for balance inquiry (at any ATM)  0.9  LEI
Insurance premium for the used credit  0,5% from the value of the principal used
Annual interest percentage applied to the amount used at retailers from the Credit Limit 24,99%
Annual interest percentage applied to the amount withdrawn at ATMs from the Credit Limit 26,99%
Penalty interest rate   27,99%
Card delivery via Courier/ Mail  
Utility payments via Customer Care Service
Mini activity report at ATMs in UniCredit Bank network 
Monthly activity report 
Card blocking/ unblocking (electronic, temporary) 
PIN code setting/ changing/PIN code regeneration 


Calculation example:


For UniCreditCard Principal without life insurance attached/ with life insurance attached (with monthly premium of 0,5% from the borrowed amount, offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), with a limit of 5.367 lei, lending period of 3 years (36 months) and a fixed annual interest of 26,99% for ATM usage and 24,99% for transactions at retailers, considering that the credit line is fully withdrawn, 40% cash at ATM national or international (outside of UniCredit Group) and 60% transactions at retailers, upon approval date and no further transactions are made during the 36 months’ reimbursement period, the monthly amount due (considering equal monthly installments) is 313,71 Lei / 340,13 Lei, total payable amount is 7.630,18 Lei / 8.139,1 Lei, with EAR of 31,33% / 39,2%. EAR is calculated according to legal regulations in force and is comprised of the fixed annual interest, the issuance commission and the annual administration commission of 39 lei, the ATM (network of other banks in Romania and from abroad) usage fee of 2% + 4 lei, and, in case the client chooses to acquire a life insurance, the monthly premium of life insurance of 0,5% from the borrowed amount (in the amount of 26,4 lei/month, with zero costs of financing for insurance).

In case you want to attach to the credit product a life insurance product, we kindly ask you to consult the details and related costs on Life insurance is issued by Generali Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A. through UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, as an auxiliary insurance agent registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority with the number RAJ-502078 and is an optional product, the credit product being available for granting without a life insurance attached.

The decision for crediting belongs solely to UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, the Creditor reserving the right to request, when the case, any documents necessary in the crediting analysis, according to its internal regulations and the legal effective settlements.

UniCreditCard Premium


Each time you buy something, you receive back UniCredit points from the amount spent, which you can later on change into money on your card and use it for future transactions (1 point = 1 leu). Also, with just 180 points you can request the payment of your annual commission of 200 lei. Activate ShopSmart offers and you get more points!

  • Use your contactless card and enjoy payments of up to 100 lei, for which you are not required to insert your PIN code. It’s fast because you only place your contactless card near the specialized terminal without having to hand it over to the cashier. The payment can be performed safely only when the amount of money is transmitted by the register to the POS terminal, and you place your contactless card at a 2-4 cm distance to the terminal, thus excluding the chance of accidental payments;
  • Just by one visit to the bank, you receive a credit limit of 4,000 up to 70,000 lei, according to your income. You have access to 100% of this amount for shopping in stores or online and 40% of the amount when you withdraw money from ATMs or when you request bank transfers to any current account in Romania. The maximum daily transaction limit is 16,000 lei for transactions at retailers or online and 8,000 lei at the ATMs/ bank transfers.
  • The minimum amount due must be reimbursed on a monthly basis (not less than 25 lei), and it is composed of the following:
    • 4% of the amounts used in the billing cycle (he interval of time from the end of one billing, to the next billing statement date), except for the amounts reimbursed in instalments on interest;
    • 100% interest, commissions and insurance premiums (as the case may be);
    • 100% instalments on interest;
    • 100% overdrafts;
  • The grace period of maximum 56 days is only valid for payments at retailers and utility payments and you can benefit from it if you reimburse the entire minimum reimbursement amount until due date.
  • The interest rates is fixed for the entire contractual period and it fluctuates according to the transaction type:  24,99% for transactions at retailers or online and 26,99% for ATM use.
  • The card is valid for 36 months, with the possibility of automatic renewal. The contractual validity is of 3 (three) years, with the possibility of automatic renewal, according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement.

Use the Discountry program and you can benefit of:

Premium MasterCard offers program

You benefit from discounts at MasterCard partners in over 275 locations at restaurants, stores, gyms etc. More details on 


You benefit from 0% INTERESTS for the reimbursement in 3-9 instalments for transactions of at least 300 lei, made with UniCreditCard Premium, during the first 6 months after you received the card, according to the value of the transaction:

Number of istalments
Minimum value of transaction
3 - 6 300 lei
3 - 9 400 lei


Set up the number of instalments you want to reimburse by:

  • Calling InfoCenter, to split the transactions in 3-9 instalments without interests
  • Selecting your option in the Mobile Banking app (access the Equal Installments Payment program section available in the credit card menu)
  • Answering the SMS you'll receive after every eligible transaction with the value and currency of the transaction;

The offer is available for UniCreditCard credit cards acquired between 1st of July – 30th of September, 2024, by accessing the offer available in UniCredit Bank branches or applying online. You may find more details in the Regulation of the Equal Instalments Payments Program.

For the credit cards acquired prior to July 1st, 2024, you may find details in:


In case you want to acquire or you already acquired the UniCreditCard credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing by accessing the offer in Moblie Banking app, you can access details regarding the Equal Instalments Program in the dedicated Regulation.

Furthermore, you can choose at any time to reimburse transaction of at least 300 lei (individual or cumulative) made with UniCreditCard in up to 36 instalments with fixed interests reduced from 26,99% to 16,99%/year.

Set up the number of instalments you want to reimburse by:

  • Calling InfoCenter, for the split of transactions in 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 or 36 instalments with interests
  • Answering the SMS you'll receive with the value and currency of the transaction:

You may find more details in Regulation of Equal Instalments Payments Program.



Access the amounts on your UniCreditCard easily, by transferring up to 40% of the credit limit for any current account in Romania, with a simple call to InfoCenter. You can reimburse the transferred amount:

  • In up to 36 installments with fixed interests reduced to 16,99%/year;
  • With ZERO FEES for intra or interbank transfers

You may find more details in the Regulation of Equal Instalments Payments Program.

*InfoCenter : 021 200 20 20 (call with normal fees in the landline network of Telekom Romania) or *2020 (call with normal fees in mobile networks Vodafone, Orange, Telekom Romania, RCS&RDS).



Special Offer when using UniCreditCard:

It's your summer and also your decision how you spend it. On long-dreamed vacations, at thousands of kilometers away, setting up the relaxation corner in your home, exploring the city, taking care of yourself, discovering passions...or anything else you want!

UniCreditCard credit card is backing you up all summer and a little more with interest-free installments for almost anything you want.


  • any transaction (including online ones) with an individual minimum value of 300 lei
  • made at any merchant* with your credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing.

*The offer is subject to certain terms and conditions and is valid between July 1 - September 30, 2024, for eligible transactions made in LEI or in a currency other than LEI, in physical/online locations, at merchants operating in Romania or abroad. Please find all details in the Campaign Regulations.



The ShopSmart Benefits Program

Access ShopSmart in Mobile Banking app and enjoy the benefits!

  • What you need to do? Choose and activate the offers from your favorite brands and you can accumulate UniCredit loyalty points (1 UniCredit point = 1 leu) or you can benefit of vouchers or presents at each acquisition with UniCreditCard.
  • How? Access Mobile Banking, tap the Offer section in the lower part of the screen and enter the ShopSmart program.

You get UniCredit points until the end of the following month you make the transaction. The ShopSmart program is available for the primary cards and is subjected to terms and conditions. You may find more details on the Regulation and on


UniCredit points

  • You receive 0.1% BACK   in UniCredit points (1 point = 1 Leu), at at ANY PURCHASE with UniCreditCard, at retailers from Romania, but also international ones (no matter their activity field), transactions that are made at POS type machines or online; also, you receive the same cashback for the payment with UniCreditCard of utilities invoices issued by agreed beneficiaries.
  • If you activate your credit card within 30 days from the card receipt and use it at retailers, you will receive a bonus of 30 UniCredit points.

The points are available for a 12 months period. Details regarding the Loyalty Program available starting with 01.01.2024 until 31.12.2024 can be found here.

With a single call at Info Center (“Customer Care Service”), you can transform a multiple of 10 points in lei (1 point = 1 leu) so you can use the money for future transactions. The points can also be used to pay the card annual administration fee: 180 points for the payment of the annual commission instead of 200 lei.

You may find below the Regulations for the Loyalty Programs available prior to January 1, 2023:

  • You can opt for the automatic debit service for the Monthly Minimum Reimbursement Amount or for the Total Amount if you have a current account open at UniCredit Bank. UniCredit Bank S.A. is the participant in the Deposit Guarantee Fund in the Banking System; the deposits are guaranteed, as the case may be, by the Fund within the legal limits and terms.
  • You can access at any time the details about your credit card in our Mobile Banking app, that you can download from AppStore or Google Play and activate through a simple call to the InfoCenter.
  • You can choose the PIN code that you wish by a simple call to Info Center (Customer Care Service).
  • You have free access to the MasterCard Lounge in the Henri Coanda International Airport in Bucharest and the Vienna International Airport.
  • You have ZERO FEES for cash withdrawal once, every month, during a Friday of your own choosing (to be precise, you benefit from 0 fees for the first ATM transaction made during a Friday for every transactional cycle).


  • The SMS Alert service offers you the possibility to take control over your expenses because you will receive a SMS anytime you perform transactions;
  • The 3D Secure service assures secure online payments as one of the leading safest online payment platforms. You are protected against unauthorized card payments through a free enrollment and use of a  dinamic Password for e-payments. If you encounter any error or suspicious transaction, please report it urgently at our Info Center; 
  • You have free benefits from the free travel insurance concluded by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN, acting as insured party, and issued by Inter Partner Assistance (IPA). Complete terms and conditions of these benefits are available on and can be provided to you in hard copy, at your request.


Main card   0 LEI
Main card   200 LEI/year (payable starting with the first year)
Additional card   50 LEI/year 
ATM usage fee in UniCredit Bank S.A. network, UniCredit Group network from abroad and Euronet network in Romania 2% of the transaction value
Fee for ATM usage of other banks network in Romania and from abroad 2% + 4 LEI
Fee for Quasi-cash /Unique transactions 0 LEI
Card replacement (lost, stolen, deteriorated, destroyed, demagnetized)  25  LEI
Cash back transaction at POS  1 LEU 
Fee for balance inquiry (at any ATM)  0.9  LEI
Daily POS(or internet) utilization 16000 LEI / 4000 EUR
Daily ATM utilization 8000 LEI /2000 EUR
Daily POS(or internet) transactions 10
Insurance premium for the used credit  0,5% from the value of the principal used
Annual interest percentage applied to the amount used at retailers from the Credit Limit 24,99%
Annual interest percentage applied to the amount withdrawn at ATMs from the Credit Limit 26,99%
Penalty interest rate   27,99%
Card delivery via Courier/ Mail  
Utility payments via Customer Care Service
Mini activity report at ATMs in UniCredit Bank network 
Monthly activity report 
Card blocking/ unblocking (electronic, temporary) 
PIN code setting/ changing/PIN code regeneration 


Calculation example


For UniCreditCard Premium without life insurance attached/ with life insurance attached (with monthly premium of 0,5% from the borrowed amount), offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), with a limit of 5.367 lei, lending period of 3 years (36 months) and a fixed annual interest of 26,99% for ATM usage and 24,99% for transactions at retailers, considering that the credit line is fully withdrawn, 40% cash at ATM national or international (outside of UniCredit Group) and 60% transactions at retailers, upon approval date and no further transactions are made during the 36 months’ reimbursement period, the monthly amount due (considering equal monthly installments) is 458,75 Lei / 484,36 Lei, total payable amount is 7.887,45 Lei / 8.380,94 Lei, with EAR of 39,27%/47,61%. EAR is calculated according to legal regulations in force and is comprised of the fixed annual interest, the annual administration commission of 200 lei, the ATM (network of other banks in Romania and from abroad) usage fee of 2% + 4 lei, and, in case the client chooses to acquire a life insurance, the monthly premium of life insurance of 0,5% from the borrowed amount (in the amount of 25,61 lei/month, with zero costs of financing for insurance).

In case you want to attach to the credit card product a life insurance product, we kindly ask you to consult the details and related costs on Life insurance is issued by Generali Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A. through UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, as an auxiliary insurance agent registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority with the number RAJ-502078 and is an optional product, the credit product being available for granting without a life insurance attached.

The decision for crediting belongs solely to UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, the Creditor reserving the right to request, when the case, any documents necessary in the crediting analysis, according to its internal regulations and the legal effective settlements.





Access the offer in Mobile Banking

If you have the application, you can acquire the credit card easier, without going at the bank, through a 100% digital flow. Enter the Offer section in the app and initiate the necessary steps. It will take just a few minutes.


you can apply online and we will contact you shortly

Info Center

+40 21 200 2020*


you can visit one of our branches. It is the only trip you will make to our branch. In case the credit card request is approved, the card and the Approval Letter will be sent to the indicated address.



UniCredit Bank SA acts for UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A. as an exclusive credit intermediary with an auxiliary title.

Required documents


UniCreditCard Principal & Premium

  • Identity document (BL/CI);
  • Documents that prove your income, or the Agreement for consulting the ANAF database (can be completed at any UniCredit Bank branch);
  • Credit application – including the agreement to consult the Bureau of Credit and Credit Risk Central.
  • We reserve our right to request, depending on the case, any other documents we might see fit, according to our internal rules of credit.

UniCreditCard credit cards offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing are bringing you closer to what you want.

By paying with your UniCreditCard in our partners’ stores, you can benefit of reimbursement in installments with zero interest.

Payments in Equal Instalments with zero interest rate you may find the full list of partner merchants where payments in interest-free installments are available.


It is a payment instrument with an attached credit limit, granted by the lender, which can be used for payments at any trader on “POS” devices, online payments, withdrawals from ATM, utility payments, etc.

Go to any UniCredit Bank ATM and:

  • introduce your new credit card
  • use the security code you received from us via SMS
  • introduce the PIN you wish to set
  • reintroduce the PIN for confirmation

In case you have not provided us a mobile phone number in order to receive the SMS sent by UniCredit, or you do not have access to the received SMS, call InfoCenter and the activation of the card will be made by one of our operators. 

You can find all information related to expenses, payments performed and the available limit, as well as UniCredit points from the monthly activity report. The monthly account activity report also contains the minimum monthly amount to reimburse that you must pay until the maturity date, as well as the total amount that you can pay until the maturity date to benefit from the grace period.  

You can see the monthly activity report in Online & Mobile Banking/Online Card and you can receive it via email according to your option stipulated in the Credit Card Application Form.

Also, you can contact us any time you wish at +4021 200 20 20 (normal call in the landline network Telekom Romania) or *2020 (normal call in the mobile networks as Vodafone, Orange, Telekom Romania, RDS), service available 24/7.

For your comfort, there are many possibilities to pay:

  • The minimum monthly amount to reimburse until the maturity date;
  • The entire monthly amount until the maturity date; in this case, you can benefit from the grace period and you shall not be calculated the interest for the amounts used at traders and utility payments;
  • Any amount between the minimum monthly amount to reimburse and the total monthly amount to pay.

There are some means by which you can pay the credit card:

  • Automatic debit, if you hold a current account open at UniCredit Bank; you can decide for yourself the amount paid: the minimum monthly amount to reimburse or the total amount to pay;
  • By Online Banking, if you possess this service and a current account at UniCredit Bank;
  • Transfer from another bank;
  • In cash at the cash counters or ATMs (BNA) UniCredit Bank or in PayPoint and SelfPay (ZebraPay) networks;
  • If the amounts used equal 300 lei at a minimum, you can choose the payment in instalments with the interest lower than the card interest, on a period of up to 36 months. You can request for an instalment plan by contacting us at Info Center until the maturity date for the amounts used in the current transaction cycle.

You may choose the reimbursement date between the two dates available, that is the 5th and the 15th of the month when you apply for the credit card. If the date that you chose is a non-working day, the maturity date shall be considered as the following working day.

If your card is lost or stolen, please call immediately at our Info Center, at +4021 200 20 20 (normal call in the landline network Telekom Romania) or *2020 (normal call in the mobile networks as Vodafone, Orange, Telekom Romania, RDS). As soon as you reported the loss or the theft of the card, it shall be blocked so as to prevent its unauthorized use. Do not forget that most of the card unauthorized use attempts occur immediately after the card has been lost or stolen.

You can grant access to the card limit by means of an additional credit card. All you need to do is to fill in with the additional applicant an application form in the Branch, to establish the percentage from the credit limit to which the additional credit card shall have access and to provide a copy of the Identity Card pertaining to the additional applicant. All transactions from the additional credit card can be seen on the holder’s activity report.

Both the holder of the primary card as well as the holder of the additional card have access to the credit limit. Nevertheless, the activity report is sent to the primary holder and it is its responsibility to cover the amounts due.

UniCredit Bank together with Visa offers you the first Infinite Visa Credit Card in Romania.

Visa Infinite Miles & More from UniCredit Bank is specially designed to give you a new dimension of comfort through a mix of exclusive travel benefits.

UniCredit Consumer Financing identification data

UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A., having its registered office in Bucharest, 1F Expozitiei Boulevard, sector 1, et. 6, postal code 012101, registered with the Trade Register Office under no. J40/13865/14.08.2008 registered in the General Registry of the National Bank of Romania under the no. RG-PJR-41-110247/24.10.2008, the Special Registry under the no. RS-PJR-41- 110065/09.02.2010 and the Registry of the payment institutions under no. IP-RO-0009/02.03.2015, tax code 24332910, subscribed and paid up share capital amounting to 103.269.200 Lei, website, having the following object of activity:

The Company’s main scope of business is “Other crediting activities” - CAEN Code 6492, consisting in granting of consumer credits.

5.3 The Company’s secondary scope of business is represented by the following activities performed only in connection to the main scope of business:

1.     Crediting activities:

- CAEN Code 6492: Other crediting activities: the following payment services provided by Art. 7 alin.1 as per Law no. 209/2019 regarding the payment services and amending other normative acts:

-    services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment account;

-   execution of payment transactions where the funds are covered by a credit line: execution of credit transfers, including standing orders and payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device;

-     issuing of credit cards.

- CAEN Code 6492 - Other crediting activities: micro-credits, forfeiting operations, discounting, financing of commercial transactions, real estate credits (without mortgage credits);

- CAEN Code 6499 - Other financial intermediation n.e.c: factoring and issuance of guarantees and undertaking of commitments, including credit guaranteeing.

- CAEN Code 6492 - Other crediting activities:services of issuance and administration of credit cards for clients, under the credit consumer activities, as well as activities related to the processing of the transactions with the credit cards, other than those falling under the provisions of Law no. 209/2019 regarding the payment services and amending other normative acts.

2. Auxiliary activities:

- CAEN Code 6810 – Buying and selling of own real estate: purchase and sale of own real estates only for own necessities of performance of the main crediting activity;

- CAEN Code 6820 – Lease and sublease of own or rented real estates: the sublease to third parties of the spaces rented from third parties will be made only occasionally, in the situation of the existence of surplus of spaces, in view of the efficient administration of the rented assets necessary for the activity performance;

- CAEN Code 6311 – Data processing, hosting of web pages and related activities: data processing and connected activities consisting in: acting as operator of the National Registry of Movable Publicity in connection to the registration activity of the guarantee advices in the registry, as well as the data processing afferent to these activities and of other data afferent to the activities connected to the crediting activity, the administration of web pages and connected activities;

- CAEN Code 6619 – Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding: activities auxiliary to the financial intermediations, except for the insurance and pension fund activities, consisting in consultancy services related to the performance of the crediting activity;

- CAEN Code 8220 – Activities of call centers: activities of the telephonic intermediation centres (call centre) (call centre directed to the interior – the operators take over the calls of the clients of the non-banking financial institution, providing information on the products, as well as solutions to the clients’ requests or the take-over of their complaints);

- CAEN Code 6622 – Activities of the insurance agents and brokers: activities as an insurance agent.

3. Mandate operations in the relation with other non-banking financial institutions and/or credit institutions connected to the crediting activity performed by them:

- CAEN Code 6492 – Other crediting activities: take-over of documents from clients, product marketing, presentation of products;
marketing-ul produselor, prezentare produse;

- CAEN Code 6492 – Other crediting activities: negotiation in view to conclude consumer credit contracts;

- CAEN Code 6492 – Other crediting activities: administration of credit cards, as well as activities connected to activities related to the processing of the transactions with the latter on account of other non-banking financial institutions or credit institutions;

- Cod CAEN 6492 – Other crediting activities: recovery/collection of credit instalments, administration and activities related to the processing of the transactions with the credit cards under the consumer credit activities;

- Cod CAEN 6619 - Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding: other activities of financial intermediations, excluding insurance and pension fund activities, consisting in:

-     consultancy services related to the crediting activity;

-     valuation of technical-economical documents and feasibility studies submitted by the customers in order to conclude the credit contracts.



NBR Authorisations / Registration documents:



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