Important information about cryptocurrency investment scams
This type of fraud is initiated through social networks, email, SMS, phone call, WhatsApp or other messaging applications and consists of presenting to the attackers the false promise of substantial and quick earnings if investing in cryptocurrencies or stock market shares through some investment/transaction platforms, platforms that in reality are under the control of the attackers.
In some situations, the attackers also request the installation of some applications on the mobile phone or computer through which they will be able to obtain access and remote control of these devices, thus creating the possibility of initiating transactions from your bank account.
In such situations it is very important:
- To show caution, to request and verify the data of the person who contacts you or the identification data of the companies that make you a "too good to be true offer";
- NOT to provide sensitive personal data (e.g. CNP) or bank data (e.g. card number, expiry date, CVV/CVC, Online Banking/Mobile Banking username, access codes provided by the bank via SMS), during the telephone call with the attacker or by accessing the link sent by him via SMS or by other requested methods;
In the unpleasant situation where you were the victim of a fraud of this type, we recommend that immediately after the incident:
- Stop any communication with "brokers/intermediaries" and stop making any kind of payment regardless of the reason given (for example, attackers may request additional payments such as "withdrawal fees" or "recovery fees");
- If you have installed any application at the request of the "brokers", uninstall it and scan the device with an antivirus program;
- To contact us immediately to start the recovery procedures, in the event that they are still possible, by e-mail at infocenter@unicredit.ro or by phone at +4021 200 2020 (call with normal rate from any network) or *2020 (call with normal rate from mobile networks).
Important information about phishing scams
Please be advised that UniCredit Bank NEVER requests confidential information by e-mail, electronic forms or other means of Internet communication, related to either your personal accounts or the accounts of the company you represent in relation to the bank, or card numbers, PIN, or user IDs or security codes used in electronic payment applications.
If you receive any type of electronic message requesting such information:
- DO NOT ANSWER the message (e-mails, SMS)
- DO NOT ACCESS any of the links mentioned in the message
- DO NOT GIVE OUT, under any circumstances, your access password, PIN or any other requested information
- URGENTLY CALL +40 21 200 2020 and inform us about the content of the received message or e-mail the message to contact@unicredit.ro.
Malware Warning!
In case you have received or you will receive an e-mail or SMS attributed to UniCredit Bank, with a subject such as "Warning / Invoice / Transfer of payment ..." or similar - please check carefully the content and the sender (From: field from the e-mail header) and delete these messages if they do not come from UniCredit, without opening attachments or links. These can affect (infect / virus) your computer or mobile device.
UniCredit Bank does not send such information to its clients, does not urgently request to authenticate or re-verify your account or card, nor does it request payment of invoices or any other services provided in this way.
For any questions you can find us available 24/7 at Info Center - phone +40 21 200 2020 (regular fee in Telekom Romania landline) or *2020 (regular fee in Orange, RCS&RDS, Telekom Romania and Vodafone mobile networks). Thank you!
Card fraud through the OLX and Whatsapp service platform
Lately, there is more and more discussion about cyber security incidents such as fraud, propagated through the OLX service and through WhatsApp.
Thus, taking advantage of customer trust, there have been attackers who imitate OLX accounts to attract customers to enter personal and banking data on "ghost" sites. The phenomenon is called "phishing" and is the most common fraud in the online environment.
How does it happen?
First, the attackers contact on WhatsApp application a user who has published an announcement for the sale of a product on OLX and declare themselves interested in the purchase. Then, they claim to have made the payment mentioning, however, that in order to complete the transaction and collect the related amount, the seller needs to access a link, where he is asked to enter his card details on which the amount will be transferred. Of course, this is a trap, the attackers stopping any conversation after receiving the card data, and the victims have their money withdrawn from their account.
Recommendations on how you can avoid these fraud attempts:
- Carefully analyze and validate the information received, before clicking on links or attachments from unknown sources. Do not provide anyone with complete card details, along with the transaction validation code (CVV). Anyone with access to this data can use the card at any time to make payments. In addition, you can scan such suspicious links with certain tools available for free online, if you do not have a security solution installed on your device, to avoid malware infection or such phishing attempts.
- Pay attention to the written expression of the interlocutors, as well as to the grammatical correctness of the text. Most of the time, the attackers are not of Romanian origin and use automatic text translation tools to talk to potential victims in their native language.
In case you have fallen into this trap, it is vital to contact UniCredit Bank as soon as possible, in order to block the card and any unauthorized transactions in the account. The card can be blocked both from the Mobile Banking application from UniCredit Bank and at the phone number +40 21 200 2020 (regular fee in Telekom Romania landline), * 2020 (regular fee in Orange, RCS & RDS, Telekom Romania and Vodafone mobile networks), or 0800 888 111 (toll free; phone number available only for locking / unlocking payment instruments / security items).
Afterwards, if you have suffered material damage, you will have to file a complaint with the nearest police station, in order to open an investigation in this regard.
The UniCredit Bank team
Tips to protect your computer routines
These days, connecting with digital services is a daily practice: each day we communicate, speak and pay using PCs, smartphones and tablets.
This is why the topic of IT security is becoming increasingly important. Given the immediacy and ease with which we connect to the web through wi-fi and mobile networks, close attention must be paid to ensure secure access to email, home banking and social networks and to prevent thefts of information and money.
We must never lower our guard, specially in the current Covid-19 health emergency period that could prove to be fertile ground for attempts at fraud and phishing.
To help prevent these occurrences, we recommend that you pay close attention to requests that may come via email, SMS, WhatsApp, calls and chats wich contain information or requests relating to Covid-19.
In this regard, we remind you that when UniCredit sends you a message or a communication it does so using only official channels (UniCredit does not use WhatApp to communicate with its customers) and never asks the security codes of your internet banking service, your credit/debit card numbers or other personal data.
Here are some practical tips on how to behave to safely manage your computer routine.
Tips to protect your computer routines
Internet banking is a secure service that is easily accessible from devices including computers and smartphones. You need a PIN number to access UniCredit's system. However, you also have to manage other, personal passwords, where an alphanumerical option is better. Let's have a look at the precautions we need to take.
Better safe than sorry! How secure are public wi-fi networks?
Withdrawing money from an ATM is something we do daily, often paying little attention to our actions. Yet users are regular victims of theft and fraud, crimes that are not limited to the elderly, as many people think. The Italian Postal Police report almost daily cases of 'cash trapping' to steal the bills distributed.
To protect its clients from risk, UniCredit uses ATMs equipped with the latest tamper-proof technology. For example, the card entry slot is protected by its special shape that prevents fraudsters from copying the magnetic strip. A message on the screen informs users immediately when withdrawal is not available. If, however, it is available but cash cannot be dispensed due to technical problems, the operation will be cancelled immediately.
What are the modus operandi of these fraudsters?
One trick is the 'forking' technique. A handmade tool measuring about 18 cm long (called a 'fork' because of the two tongs on one end) is inserted in the ATM slot that distributes the cash to capture the bills before they are released.
Once the 'fork' is in place, when an unwitting customer makes a withdrawal, the bills are blocked inside the machine, leading to believe there is a technical problem. All the thieves have to do is wait for the person to leave, then remove the device to recover the money.
Another scam frequently reported to the Authorities concerns ATMs located inside bank branches. In this case, a fraudulent device installed on the door exit release in the ATM lobby, captures the customer's card and dispenses a clone, hanging on to the real one. Often, to keep the hoodwinked customer from noticing the card switch, a few accomplices rush in and pretend that they need to make a withdrawal, thus hastening the victim out the door.
Therefore, since Forewarned is Forearmed, it is important to adopt common sense safety behaviour when you withdraw cash. Before the transaction, always make sure there is no one looking over your shoulder, shield your PIN code from indiscreet eyes, choose ATMs in central and busy locations and try to make withdrawals during the daytime.