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onemarkets Fund is part of the existing investment universe for UniCredit clients with an additional and exclusive set of actively managed investment funds, catering to a range of risk and opportunity appetites and covering bond, equity and multi-asset classes.



Information about the Prospectuses, Key Investor Information and other documents and materials about the funds are available at, as well as at

We are pleased to introduce you to the RITM Investment Plan, created to support your steps towards fulfilled desires. RITM is an investment plan that allows you to invest regularly in local and international fund units by automatically debiting the current account.

To be in rhythm with your future plans, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Determine the goal you want to achieve and the amount you want to put aside from your monthly income. For example, 10%

Step 2

Contact a consultant of the Bank for a RITM investment plan

Step 3

Start saving and investing every month in a chosen fund of Amundi



  • You have a quick and easy access to many financial products that are managed by professionals;
  • It doesn't cost you anything to activate the investment plan;
  • It doesn't cost you anything if you want to give up the investment plan at some point;
  • It is flexible, adjusted to your needs;
  • You can always benefit from the amount saved to achieve your plans;
  • You receive a monthly report in Online and Mobile Banking with your portfolio.

How it works?


You choose:

  • The fund or funds you wish to invest in, according to your investor profile. Because our goal is to offer new, competitive and relevant products, we have in our portfolio local and international funds (RON, EUR, USD), thematic funds and Fund of Funds.
  • The amount you want to invest periodically, minimum 50 Lei, 20 EUR or 20 USD.
  • The frequency with which you want to invest periodically, minimum 1 month - maximum 6 months.

*This example is one with an informative note regarding the periodic investments and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a certain investment strategy, the decision belonging entirely to the investor. For this example, a hypothetical average annual return of 5% and a holding period of 5 years were taken into account. This example does not guarantee the future performance of a mutual fund. For complete information, read the fund's prospectuses and key investor information documents before investing. Complete information regarding the investment in the chosen fund will be provided prior to the investment by the bank's representatives.

The information presented above does not constitute advice or a recommendation to buy, sell products or perform other transactions. Please read carefully the complete prospectus and the simplified prospectus of the Funds in which you wish to invest. Previous performances of mutual funds are not a guarantee of future achievements. Mutual funds carry not only the advantages that are specific to them, but also the risk of not achieving the objectives, including some losses for investors, the income attracted by the investment being, as a rule, proportional to the risk. At times, the value of the investment may be lower than the initial investment. There can be no assurance that countries, markets or sectors of activity will evolve as expected. Investments in mutual funds involve certain risks, risks related to the general evolution of the economy, the risk of changing the market interest rate, the risk related to foreign exchange rates, the risk of changing purchasing power due to inflation, investment risk, management risk, financial risk, etc. The risks associated with each fund are described in the respective fund's documents (Prospectus, Fund Rules and Key Investor Information), documents prepared, in accordance with its legal obligations, by Amundi Asset management.

Open-end investment funds are collective investment instruments, without legal personality, whose fund units are subject to a continuous issue and redemption and which are managed by an authorized investment management company, through teams of professionals specialized in investments. They collect funds from investors for their investment in shares, bonds, money market instruments and other securities. Depending on the cash funds collected, fund units are issued, a unit representing a certain amount of money invested in the fund. The name “open” fund refers to the fact that, at the end of each day, the fund issues new units to investors and redeems units from investors who wish to withdraw from the fund.

Open-end investment funds, therefore, offer investors access to a diversified portfolio in terms of the financial instruments in which they invest and the expertise of fund managers, with much lower costs than in the case of individual investments.


The main advantages of the investment in mutual funds are:


  • Liquidity – the fund units can be purchased or redeemed at any time;
  • Accessibility – investment-related costs are lower compared to those related to direct investment in individual financial instruments from the fund asset portfolio; the mutual funds pay lower transactional fees than individual investors and these reduced costs translate in investment performances;
  • Equality of rights and obligations in relation to the other investors, as well as an organized administration of assets and administration transparency.


Amundi is the European largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 101 globally. The Group manages 1.811 trillion2 euros of assets across six investment hubs3

Fees related to investing in mutual funds


Information about the Fund Prospectuses, Key Investor Information Document (KID) are available at the addresses below:

Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2021 and based on AUM as at December 2020

Amundi figures as of September 30, 2021

Investment hubs: Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo


Manager of the local funds is Amundi Asset Management S.A.I. S.A., authorized by F.S.A. through decission no. 238/16.01.2004, registered at Trade Register under J40/15112/2003, URC RO15889522, F.S.A. registration no. PJR05SAIR/400007, 56 Dacia Bvd., building B, 1st floor, District 2, Bucharest, tel: 021 2100016, fax: 021 210 50 17, email: .

Amundi Funds II are managed by Amundi Luxembourg S.A. and they are registered in F.S.A Register, Open investment funds from member states secrtion, no. CSC06FDIMLUX0033, according to F.S.A certificate no. 55/18.04.2012.

The funds carry not only the advantages that are specific to them, but also the risk of not achieving the objectives, including some losses for the investors, the income attracted from the investment being, as a rule, proportional to the risk.

The information presented above do not represent an advice or a recommendation to buy, sell products or perform other transactions. Please read carefully the complete prospectus and the simplified prospectus of the Funds in which you wish to invest. Previous performances of mutual funds are not a guarantee of future achievements. Mutual funds carry not only the advantages that are specific to them, but also the risk of not achieving the objectives, including some losses for investors, the income attracted by the investment being, as a rule, proportional to the risk. At times, the value of the investment may be lower than the initial investment. There can be no assurance that countries, markets or sectors of activity will evolve as expected. Investments in mutual funds involve certain risks, risks related to the general evolution of the economy, the risk of changing the market interest rate, the risk related to foreign exchange rates, the risk of changing purchasing power due to inflation, investment risk, management risk, financial risk, etc. The risks associated with each fund are described in the respective fund's documents (Prospectus, Fund Rules and Key Investor Information), documents prepared, in accordance with its legal obligations, by Amundi Asset management.

Having in view the significant changes in the financial markets in recent years, the European Union (EU) has adopted a set of regulations that entered into force on January 3rd, 2018: (EU) Directive 65/2014 on the markets of financial instruments (MiFID II), Regulation no. 600/2014 regarding the markets of financial instruments (MiFIR) and Regulation no. 1286/2014 regarding the documents with essential information regarding the structured and insurance-based individual investment products (PRIIPs). MiFID II has replaced the previous MiFID I (EU) Directive, and its objective is to increase investor protection and introduce new transparency requirements regarding products, services and related costs.

What do the new requirements mean to you??


   More transparency in terms of costs:

  • detailed prior information regarding estimated costs related to transactions with financial instruments;
  • the detailed annual situation of all the costs related to the transactions with financial instruments;


   Enhanced transparency regarding transactions with financial instruments:

  • the definition of a target group of customers who can purchase each financial instrument;
  • "Individual investors", as defined in PRIIP's Regulations, will be provided with documents with essential information for structured and insurance-based individual investment products (such as, for example, mutual funds or derivatives, etc.);
  • for conducting the transactions with financial instruments, legal entities will be required to hold an identification code for investors (LEI Code);
  • records of telephone calls and electronic communications related to the transactions will be kept available for at least 5 years;

To help you understand what the Bank's obligations and your rights will be according to the new regulations, please read this material, where you will find detailed information on the most important changes brought by the latest legislative requirements.

MiFID II Directive (EU) regarding the markets of financial instruments was implemented in Romania through the Law no. 126/2018 regarding the markets of financial instruments.

November 2022 MiFID - sustainability preferences

By means of the Delegated Directive (EU) no. 2021/1269, the European Commission introduced new requirements in the legislation related to markets in financial instruments (“MiFID”), regulating integration of sustainability factors into the MiFID product governance obligations of the manufacturers and distributors.

These requirements were implemented in Romania in the Regulation issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority and of the National Bank of Romania no. 10/4/2018 on safeguarding of financial instruments and funds belonging to clients, product governance obligations and the rules applicable to the provision or reception of fees, commissions or any monetary or non-monetary benefits.

Sustainability factors”, as defined in the above-mentioned regulations, represent “environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery matters”.

We would like to inform you that, in accordance with the regulations mentioned above, UniCredit Bank SA ("the Bank") will take into consideration the possible investment objectives of its clients related to sustainability within the internal product approval processes, to define the target market of the financial instruments that will be created and/or distributed in the future.

We mention that among the existing financial instruments in the Bank's offer for private individuals clients, at the date of this information, the Amundi investment funds include sustainability factors. Amundi, as creator of the funds, carries out their classification from SFDR perspective (EU Regulation on sustainability information in the financial services sector ("SFDR"). The SFDR aims to increase transparency regarding the way participants from the financial market integrates the sustainability risks and opportunities  (environmental, social and governance, "ESG") into their investment decisions. The SFDR introduces a classification system with new transparency requirements for certain financial products). Information regarding the SFDR Article in which each Amundi fund from the Bank's distribution list is included, can be found in "List of Amundi investment funds distributed by UniCredit Bank" and details regarding each investment fund can be obtained from the or websites.

Therefore, at this moment, the sales process does not require any action on your part and will proceed as it has until now. In the future, however, in order to be able to take into consideration possible objectives related to sustainability, it is possible to intervene certain changes in the currently existing documents, through which we will again request information regarding the possible objectives of sustainability that you might have.

You may consult the full texts of the two regulations mentioned above in the links below:

Delegated Directive (EU) no. 2021/1269

Regulation issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority and of the National Bank of Romania no. 10/4/2018

Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 10** globally. Amundi manages 1.653 trillion euros* of assets across six main investment hubs***. Amundi offers its clients in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle-East and the Americas a wealth of market expertise and a full range of capabilities across the active, passive and real assets investment universes. Headquartered in Paris, and listed since November 2015, Amundi is the 1st asset manager in Europe by assets under management.

Leveraging the benefits of its increased scope and size, Amundi has the ability to offer new and enhanced services and tools to its clients. Thanks to its unique research capabilities and the skills of 4.500 team members and market experts based in 37 countries, Amundi provides retail, institutional and corporate clients with innovative investment strategies and solutions tailored to their needs, targeted outcomes and risk profiles.

The funds bear not only the specific advantages, but also the risk of not achieving set objectives, including losses for investors, where the revenues invested are proportional to risk. The Fund's last performances do not represent a guarantee of future acomplishments. Read the emission prospects before deciding to invest. Complete information and documentation regarding the investment funds - investment funds rules, reports - can be obtained at the company's headquarters, from authorized retailers or on or

*Amundi figures as of December 31, 2019

**Source IPE "Top 400 asset managers” published in June 2019 and based on AUM as of December 2018

***Investment hubs: Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo


What is an open investment fund?

An open investment fund is a body of collective investments in transferable securities, which does not have a legal personality; its fund units are the object of an issuance and continuous redemption. The investment funds do not provide financial instruments outside the fund units and the administration of these funds is completed by an investment administration company.

What are the applied fees?

The only commission directly supported by the investor is the subscription fee. Current costs and expenses related to the administration of the fund units are deducted from the financial instrument value during the administration period and may include management, distribution and performance fees, thus being indirectly supported by the investor.Incentives represent any commission paid or received by the bank or any kind of non-monetary benefits offered by the bank or which the bank benefits in relation with the distribution of the investment service. This commission is paid by the SAI to the bank and it is not directly supported by the investor.

Is the money earned with the investment funds subject to tax? 

Starting January 1, 2023, based on the provisions of the Fiscal Code approved by Law no. 227/2015, with the subsequent amendments and completions (Law no. 142/2022), the gains from the transfer of securities made through an intermediary that is fiscally resident in Romania, are withholding tax at source.

Based on this, UniCredit Bank ("the Bank") as an intermediary, has the obligation to calculate and withhold the tax at source for the gains obtained by resident private individual clients from the transfer of securities - Amundi Luxembourg international investment funds.

For local investment funds, the calculation, withholding and payment of the tax for transactions made in profit will be done by Amundi Romania as investment management company, tax resident in Romania.

According to the new provisions of the Fiscal Code, for the earnings made through an intermediary that is tax resident in Romania, the withholding tax will be calculated as follows:

  • by applying a rate of 1% on each gain from the transfer of securities that have been disposed of in a period longer than 365 days, inclusive, from the date of acquisition;
  • by applying a rate of 3% on each gain from the transfer of securities that have been disposed of in a period less than 365 days from the date of acquisition.

In order to calculate the taxable value, the weighted average price method is applied, including transaction related costs.

The tax due will be calculated in Lei, for transactions in foreign currency being calculated at the exchange rate communicated by the National Bank of Romania valid for the date of registration of the redemption transaction. The tax is set at the level of Leu, without subdivisions by reduction when the money fractions are less than 50 money and by increase when the money fractions are 50 money or higher.

According to the provisions of the Fiscal Code, the Bank is not obliged to withhold tax at source for dividends obtained from investments in dividend-paying investment funds.

This message does not represent an offer, advice or recommendation to buy, sell products or carry out transactions with financial instruments, nor does it constitute financial or tax consultancy for the client. If you have any questions about how to fulfill this legal obligation, please contact your tax consultant or the tax authorities.

How can we find out the price?

The price for a fund unit changes on a daily basis and the value of the purchase/sell is public the day subsequent to the day of the transaction.

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