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Accomplishments Loan

Refinancing with FIXED INTEREST RATE through a loan from UniCredit Consumer Financing, with annual fixed interest from 5.99%.

Life happens every day. When life happens, plans change. When plans change, you realize that you need some extra money.

When you discover that you need money, make your life easier and talk to us!


Through the Personal Accomplishments Loan, you benefit of:


Up to 200.000 lei

Payable in 12 to 60 months

With an Annual Fixed Interest Rate from 5,99% to 19,99%





Now you can take a loan easier, directly from your mobile phone, accessing the offer in the Mobile Banking app.







Personal Accomplishments Loan

This product is offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A. through UniCredit Bank S.A., credit intermediary exclusively for loans granted by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A.

Interest rates

Our offer of discounted interest rates considering that the income cashing condition is fulfilled1

PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS LOANS WITHOUT MORTGAGE FULFILLING THE INCOME CASHING CONDITION1 Fixed interest rate / year Fixed interest rate / year for clients that refinance an external loan or acquire a UniCreditCard credit card 3
170.000 - 200.000 LEI Without insurance
9,99% 7,99%
With life insurance2 7,99% 5,99%
140.000 - 169.999 LEI Without insurance 10,49% 8,49%
With life insurance2 8,49% 6,49%
110.000 - 139.999 LEI
Without insurance 10,99%
With life insurance2 8,99%
80.000 - 109.999 LEI Without insurance 12,99% 10,99%
With life insurance2 10,99% 8,99%
50.000 - 79.999 LEI
Without insurance 14,99%
With life insurance2 12,99%
1.500 - 49.999 LEI Without insurance 17,99% 15,99%
With life insurance2 15,99% 13,99%

1The discount of 2 percentage points applied to the annual interest rate (compared to the interest applied to a loan product without income transfer) will be applied under the conditions and situations stipulated in the credit contract, in the context of the fulfillment of the monthly cashing condition, representing the obligation of ensuring during the entire duration of the credit agreement of a total monthly cashing amount in the current accounts opened at UniCredit Bank of the Borrower (person who signed the credit application as an Applicant), in the amount of at least 70% of the income taken into account for granting the credit, respectively for the subsequent granting of another loan (Monthly Cashing Condition).

2Life insurance with monthly premium of 0.12% applied to the borrowed amount.

3The price offer assumes the refinancing on a period of up to 5 years of a loan offered by another credit institution/ non-banking financial institution from Romania or their branches from Romania or the acquisition of a UniCreditCard Premium or Principal credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing.

The credit card and insurance products are optional; the client can apply for a loan product without buying also a credit card or life insurance, in different cost conditions. 

Find out more about the conditions of the 2 percentage points discount on the interest rate, applied during the fulfillment of the Income Cashing Condition:

How can you maintain the discount throughout the contract period?

You can keep the discount of 2 percentage points on the annual interest rate, if you ensure monthly payments during the entire period of the contract, in your current accounts opened at UniCredit Bank SA, which in total represent at least 70% of the income taken into account when the loan was granted, respectively for the subsequent granting of another loan, according to the Monthly Cashing Condition. The discount of the annual interest rate will be applied until the first due date of the month in which the Creditor finds out that in each of the 2 calendar months prior to the verification date, the monthly income condition was not met, date at which the annual interest rate will be applied without discount (the new Monthly Rate calculated without the discount of the annual interest rate will be paid starting with the due date of the month immediately following the discovery of non-fulfillment of the Monthly Cashing Condition).

What types of cashing we take into account?

Any income collected or other types of cashing in your current accounts, except for the following types of transactions: transfers between your own accounts opened at UniCredit Bank SA, amounts received as a result of foreign exchange between own accounts, interest on deposits or interest of other savings products, amounts from term deposits or liquidated in advance, amounts from the granting of new loans by UniCredit Bank SA or UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, any other types of credit interest and / or amount reversal transactions. In the case of amounts collected in a currency other than Lei, we will take into account their equivalent in lei at the NBR exchange rate published on the previous day, valid for the day on which the cashing was made.

Representative example in the assumption of the application of the discounted annual interest rate for the entire duration of the loan, in the context of fulfillment of the monthly cashing condition:  for a Personal Accomplishments Loan offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A. (as a result of meeting the eligibility criteria) through UniCredit Bank S.A. (credit intermediary with exclusive auxiliary title of the loans offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), in value of 170.000 Lei, for 60 months:


Interest rate

Life insurance

File analysis fee (deferred in monthly payments during the lifetime of the loan, charged only in case the credit is granted)

Monthly credit administration fee

Monthly administration fee for the current account opened at UniCredit Bank SA

Monthly equal rates

Total payable value



Without insurance

420 lei

0 lei

10 lei

3.475,21 Lei

208,512.47 Lei



With life insurance with monthly premium

420 lei

0 lei

10 lei

3.512,56 Lei (monthly rate includes life insurance cost4)

210.753,71 Lei


The exemplified interest offer of 5,99% involves: (i) the fulfillment throughout the credit period of the Monthly Cashing Condition, (ii) refinancing a loan offered by another credit institution/ non-banking financial institution from Romania or their branches from Romania or the acquisition of a UniCreditCard Premium or Principal credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing, (iii) the attachment of a life insurance and (iv) a total credit amount between 170.000 and 200.000 Lei.

Our interest rates offer, in the context of not fulfilling the income cashing condition:

PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS LOANS WITHOUT MORTGAGE Fixed interest rate / year Fixed interest rate / year for clients that refinance an external loan or acquire UniCreditCard credit card6
170.000 - 200.000 LEI Without insurance
11,99% 9,99%
With life insurance5 9,99%
140.000 - 169.999 LEI Without insurance 12,49% 10,49%
With life insurance5 10,49% 8,49%
110.000 - 139.999 LEI
Without insurance 12,99%
With life insurance5 10,99%
80.000 - 109.999 LEI Without insurance 14,99% 12,99%
With life insurance5 12,99% 10,99%
50.000 - 79.999 LEI
Without insurance 16,99%
With life insurance5 14,99%
1.500 - 39.999 LEI Without insurance 19,99% 17,99%
With life insurance5 17,99% 15,99%

5Life insurance with monthly premium of 0.12% applied to the borrowed amount.

6The price offer assumes refinancing on a period of up to 5 years of a loan offered by another credit institution/ non-banking financial institution from Romania or their branches from Romania or the acquisition of a UniCreditCard Premium or Principal credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing.

The credit card and insurance products are optional; the client can apply for a loan product without buying also a credit card or life insurance, in different cost conditions.

Representative example in the assumption of the application of the annual interest rate applied on the entire duration of the contract, considering the fulfillment of the monthly cashing condition is not met and the discount related to the condition not applied: for a Personal Accomplishments Loan offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A. (as a result of meeting the eligibility criteria) through UniCredit Bank S.A. (credit intermediary with the exclusive auxiliary title of the credits offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), in the amount of 170.000 Lei, for 60 months:

Interest rate

Life insurance

File analysis fee (deferred in monthly payments during the lifetime of the loan, charged only in case the credit is granted)

Monthly credit administration fee

Monthly administration fee for the current account opened at UniCredit Bank SA

Monthly equal rates

Total payable value



Without insurance

420 lei

0 lei

10 lei

3.646,98 Lei

219.819 Lei



With life insurance with monthly premium

420 lei

0 lei

10 lei

3.679,21 Lei (monthly rate includes life insurance cost6)

220.752,47 Lei


The exemplified interest offer of 8,19% involves: (i) refinancing a loan offered by another credit institution or a financial non-banking institution or branches from Romania of such foreign institutions or the acquisition of a UniCreditCard Premium or Principal credit card issued by UniCredit Consumer Financing and (ii) the attachment of a life insurance and (iii) a total credit amount between 170.000 and 200.000 Lei and (iv) non-fullfillment of the Income Cashing Condition on the entire duration of the contract.

EAR is calculated according to the legal regulation in force and includes annual fixed interest rate, file analysis fee (420 Lei), monthly credit administration fee (0 Lei), Monthly administration fee for the current account opened at UniCredit Bank SA (10 Lei) and, in the case the client acquires a life insurance, the cost of the insurance premium.

We inform you that, in the case of repayment in equal monthly installments, the total amount of interest is higher than in the case of repayment in decreasing installments. Depending on the duration of the loan, the value of the monthly principal rate, at the beginning, may be lower than the monthly interest rate, and the loan balance decreases more slowly. You can make partial or full early repayments at any time.

Details regarding the life insurance attached to the loan and its costs, considering the representative examples presented above:

Insurance premium

Life insurance with monthly premium

Means of payment:

It is paid deferred (monthly) from the clients own sources, being included in the monthly installments.

Calculation method:

0,12% x 170.000 Lei (value of the loan)

Value of the insurance premium:

204 Lei / month

Financing cost of the life insurance premium:

4 0 Lei / 7 0 Lei


The benefits of the insurance attached to the loan

The insurance product offers protection in the case of impossibility of debt payment to the Lender. The following events that can lead to payment incapacity are covered by the insurance:

  • involuntary loss of job (unemployment)
  • temporary incapacity to work due to any reason
  • temporary or total loss of work capacity (due to an accident or natural causes) and
  • death of the insured person

You may find more details regarding the insurance benefits on


Calculation example: For UniCreditCard Principal without life insurance attached/ with life insurance attached (with monthly premium of 0,5% from the borrowed amount, offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), with a limit of 5.367 lei, lending period of 3 years (36 months) and a fixed annual interest of 26,99% for ATM usage and 24,99% for transactions at retailers, considering that the credit line is fully withdrawn, 40% cash at ATM national or international (outside of UniCredit Group) and 60% transactions at retailers, upon approval date and no further transactions are made during the 36 months’ reimbursement period, the monthly amount due (considering equal monthly installments) is 313,71 Lei / 340,13 Lei, total payable amount is 7.630,18 Lei / 8.139,1 Lei, with EAR of 31,33% / 39,2%. EAR is calculated according to legal regulations in force and is comprised of the fixed annual interest, the issuance commission and the annual administration commission of 39 lei, the ATM (network of other banks in Romania and from abroad) usage fee of 2% + 4 lei, and, in case the client chooses to acquire a life insurance, the monthly premium of life insurance of 0,5% from the borrowed amount (in the amount of 26,4 lei/month, with zero costs of financing for insurance).

Calculation example: For UniCreditCard Premium without life insurance attached/ with life insurance attached (with monthly premium of 0,5% from the borrowed amount), offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA), with a limit of 5.367 lei, lending period of 3 years (36 months) and a fixed annual interest of 26,99% for ATM usage and 24,99% for transactions at retailers, considering that the credit line is fully withdrawn, 40% cash at ATM national or international (outside of UniCredit Group) and 60% transactions at retailers, upon approval date and no further transactions are made during the 36 months’ reimbursement period, the monthly amount due (considering equal monthly installments) is 458,75 Lei / 484,36 Lei, total payable amount is 7.887,45 Lei / 8.380,94 Lei, with EAR of 39,27%/47,61%. EAR is calculated according to legal regulations in force and is comprised of the fixed annual interest, the annual administration commission of 200 lei, the ATM (network of other banks in Romania and from abroad) usage fee of 2% + 4 lei, and, in case the client chooses to acquire a life insurance, the monthly premium of life insurance of 0,5% from the borrowed amount (in the amount of 25,61 lei/month, with zero costs of financing for insurance).

In case you want to attach to the credit product a life insurance product, we kindly ask you to consult the details and related costs on Life insurance is issued by Generali Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A. through UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, as an auxiliary insurance agent registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority with the number RAJ-502078 and is an optional product, the credit product being available for granting without a life insurance attached.

These products are offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA through UniCredit Bank SA, credit intermediary with the exclusive auxiliary title of the credits offered by UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA. The decision for crediting belongs solely to UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, the Creditor reserving the right to request, when the case, any documents necessary in the crediting analysis, according to its internal regulations and the legal effective settlements.

In order for the loan to be granted, the client must sign a current account contract with UniCredit Bank (“the Bank”), if he/she does do not already have a current account opened at the Bank. The costs of the current account are paid by the client and are charged separately by the Bank and are the ones included in the Individual’s fee and Interest Rates list available on Opening a current account can be done through a variety of available financial products or services. As the choice of the current account services package is exclusively the responsibility of the Client, the product or service is not in the Creditor's offer, the costs for the operations or services related to the current account depend on the chosen product or services and are not known to the creditor, for the representative example and the DAE calculation hypothesis presented, it was taken into consideration the current account administration fee, which is part of the standard offer for the current account payment services and transactions offered by the Bank, in the amount of 10 Lei/month. All costs related to UniCredit Bank SA products and services, such as opening fees, account administration, operations related to the account if / or services related to the account are due by the customer to UniCredit Bank SA if they will be charged separately by him according to the signed documents between the client and UniCredit Bank SA.

After granting the loan, at any time during the contract, the Client may request the closure of the current account opened at the Bank, following which the repayment of the loan should be made by the Client to the account indicated by the Creditor. In this situation, if the Client has benefited from a reduction in the annual interest rate for fulfilling the cashing condition in the current accounts opened by the Client at the Bank (Monthly Cashing Condition), it must be taken into account that, once closing the account and ceasing the transfer of income, the annual interest rate will be applied without the discount granted starting with the first due date after the date on which the Client unilaterally terminates the current account contract concluded with the Bank.

The full repayment of the refinanced / refinanced loan (s) will be made by order / documentary payment order (documented / conditioned), in the account related to the refinanced loan opened with the bank / account of the financial institution that granted the refinancing loan. The cost related to the documentary payment order (conditional) is of 15 EUR, for the orders processed until 31.12.2024 and is supported by the Client and charged by UniCredit Bank SA; the cost available after this date is the one displayed in the List of Fees and Interest rates for Private Individuals that can be found here. The fees and charges of the bank whose loan is refinanced / the non-banking financial institution whose loan is refinanced or in connection with the documentary payment order (conditional) are borne by the Borrower and will be paid from his account opened with the respective bank / will be paid at the counters of the respective bank.

The present does not value, according to the law, the offer to contract financial products / services from UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A., which can be modified or revoked at any time. According to the law, the product or financial service offer is the one valid at the time of registration of the product / service request and, regardless of the elements of the respective offer, the contract is considered concluded only on the date of its formal signature or, as the case may be, according to the legal provisions applicable to the remote contract conclusion.


Commission name
LEI Credit
Loan administration commission
File analysis commission 420 LEI, deferred in monthly payments during the lifetime of the loan (charged only in case of granting the credit)
Anticipated Reimbursement commission 1% for the fixed rate interest period


0,5% for reimbursements made within less than a year before the final due date.
Non-payment penalties (for total payment overdues) Interest rate (when the loan does not register outstanding) + 3% per year 
Unique commission for services provided on customer demand 180 LEI
Monthly administration fee for the current account opened at UniCredit Bank, levied by UniCredit Bank SA 10 LEI
Documentary payment order (conditional) issuance fee, levied by UniCredit Bank SA 15 EUR - for the orders processed until 31.12.2024


Necessary documents

Necessary documents needed for financial approval:

  • Identity document (BI/CI);
  • Documents that may attest income or ANAF Consulting Agreement.

    (to be filled in UniCredit Bank branch);

    *Useful for persons (employed or retired) for which there are legal obligation of declaring income to fiscal authorities.

  • Credit Application

We reserve the right to request additional documents, in case needed, as implied by internal rules.

How do you sign electronically?


In order to be able to sign electronically you have to own a mobile phone number, an email address (where you will receive the full signed documentation) and to agree with the electronic signing.

In order to sign using the Mobile Banking service from UniCredit Bank you have to own a valid phone number, to be a UniCredit Bank client and use the Mobile Banking app from UniCredit Bank (where you will receive the full signed documentation) and to agree with the electronic signing via Mobile Banking.

The electronic signature can be used after obtaining an electronic certificate from TRANS SPED SRL, trusted and qualified services provider. The certificate can be obtained at no cost in any UniCredit Bank SA agency/branch by the loan applicant that meets the conditions to electronically sign and can be use in relation with UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN S.A.

Eligibility conditions


In order to contractually obtain an Personal Loan without mortgage it is imperative to respect the next minimal conditions of eligibility:

  • Minimum age: 22 years old ( 25 for sailors );
  • Maximum age (the age by which the credit must be reimbursed in its entirety): 70 years old (60 years for sailors.);
  • Monthly eligible minimum income: 
    • For retired persons (living on a pension): 1.281 Lei;
    • For employees (incomes from salaries, excluding maternity leave indemnities): 1.898 Lei;
    • For persons in Maternity Leave with incomes from dedicated indemnities: 1.314 Lei;
    • For sailors: 1.250 Lei.


You can attach an insurance package with diverse coverage, to your Unexpectedly Easy Credit, as shown below. However getting an insurance package is not mandatory in order to obtain the credit.

Insurance type
Formula Coverage Bonus percentage
Monthly bonus Credit value x bonus percentage Death, by any cause, total permanent disability, involuntary loss of job 0,1%


Questions & Answers

How long until I get an answer to my request after my full credit documentation submission?

In case of credits up to 25,000 lei, you can receive a response on your request immediately. In most cases the credit application is analyzed and has a final resolution in about 2 business days.

If I pay in advance the loan, do I need to pay the interest as well?

No. As soon as you pay in advance, the interest calculation will resume on the balance of the resulting loan after early repayment. That means if you have paid the full loan, interest will no longer be charged. But make sure that you have deposited the equivalent amount of your early repayment commission.

Is insurance required for the credit to be granted?

You can choose a multipurpose insurance package that involves a single payment, or monthly payments. It’s not mandatory to buy the insurance to have your credit granted.

If I do not want insurance anymore, how do I proceed?

We do not recommend renouncing the insurance package, which protects you from a large number of unpleasant situations. If you still want to expose yourself to these risks, please follow the procedure specified by our branch colleagues from UniCredit Bank

Do I need to open an account to use my approved loan?

Yes. In order to succeed in paying the loan, it’s necessary to open a UniCredit Bank account, in which you will also submit the payments related to the credit agreement.

How do I make the loan payments?

You can pay directly to UniCredit Bank's cash desks through PayPoint and SelfPay payment stations or by automatically debiting the current account opened with UniCredit Bank.

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