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You transfer money simply and fast to your current account from UniCredit Bank


Using the new functionality "Add Money" in Mobile Banking application, you can easily and quickly transfer amounts of money to your current account from accounts opened at other banks and enjoy UniCredit current account’s offers and a better interest for your future lending plans.

The "Add Money" functionality allows you to transfer amounts from your accounts opened at other banks, using a debit or credit card issued by that banks, in the current account opened in Lei at UniCredit Bank and comes with many benefits:


Efficiency: With just one button you can process quick transfers to your current account in UniCredit Bank, without having to access your account opened at another bank, initiate a payment order and wait for its processing and therefore receiving the money.


Reduced interest rates on loans: If you have planned buying a house and your employer does not transfer your salary to a UniCredit Bank account, you are able to transfer your salary with just one button and so you have taken the first step for an interest discount on our mortgage loans.

Read the full information for future credit plans.



Saving: Moreover, the new functionality helps you save and get rid of commissions by accessing the right transactional offer for you.

How could you even save?


Simple! For example, if just once a month you transfer in your current account from UniCredit Bank at least 1500 Lei through a recurring or unique payment made using the "Add Money" functionality and make at least one payment - regardless of its value - with your debit card issued by UniCredit Bank attached to the current account in which you received the amount, you quickly end up saving a series of commissions that you would otherwise have to pay, such as:

  • current account administration fee: 10 Lei/month
  • applicable fee if you withdraw cash by debit card in Lei at UniCredit Bank and Euronet Romania ATMs network: 1%, minimum 10 Lei
  • applicable fee if you withdraw cash with debit card in Lei at other banks in Romania ATMs network: 1.5%, minimum 10 Lei


The amount saved varies depending on the amount you get in your current account and the transactions you choose to make, according to the transactional offer suitable for you.

What else do you need to know?
  • the new functionality "Add money" is available: on working days between 07.00-22.00 and at any time on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays;
  • you can transfer amounts only to the active current account opened in Lei at UniCredit Bank. Transfers are processed quickly and securely through Mobile Banking application, without charging commission, using a valid debit/credit card, enrolled 3D-secure and issued under the Visa or Mastercard logo by another bank or financial institution;
  • this type of transfer cannot be made in Junior current accounts or using credit cards issued by UniCredit Bank and UniCredit Consumer Financing;
  • you can choose single or recurring payments, which you can activate and deactivate at any time, directly in the application.
  • the limits of the functionality "Add money" regarding the type of operation and the number of possible transactions for a certain period of time are as follows:

    ✓ the minimum amount per transfer is 50 Lei and the maximum amount 12000 Lei;

    ✓ you can make a maximum of 5 transfers per month, in total amount of 30,000 Lei.



You don’t have Mobile Banking, yet? 

Get the app with zero administration fee and be the expert of your money!

In case you need assistance when activating the app, call InfoCenter available non-stop at +4021.200.2020 (regular fee in Telekom Romania landline) or *2020 (regular fee in Orange, RCS&RDS, Telekom Romania and Vodafone mobile networks) and our colleagues will offer you support. 



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