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List of Cut-off Time

Cut-off Time list for delivery payment instructions and opening/closing deposits through Mobile Banking app and Online Banking.

Below is a list of the operating hours in which UniCredit Bank will process, during the same day (working bank day) the following banking operations received through Mobile Banking and Online Banking.


Domestic payments in RON  

Intrabank/inhouse (to another account held within UniCredit Bank, including utility payments) performed from Monday to Friday;

For payments made with the “INSTANT” processing method, the mentioned cut-off time does not apply, they can be initiated 24/7. Debiting of the paying account and the crediting of the beneficiary account in case of “INSTANT” payments will be made on the day in which the instruction was received, with the current day as the currency date, except for those initiated between 23:00-23:59, for which the currency date will be the next calendar day.

Utility payments with the “INSTANT” processing method cannot be initiated on Friday between 23:00-23:59, Saturday, Sunday as well as on national and / or legal holidays.

Interbank (to another bank account in Romania)  
  • small value 1* (settlement during the same day T+0)
  • great value 2* / urgency (settlement during the same day T+0)
  • unconcerned (settlement during the following day T+1)

1* The amount transferred is smaller than 50.000 lei

2* The amount transferred is greater or equal to 50.000 lei


External payments in RON 15:15


Payments (domestic and external) in foreign currency  
Intrabank/In-house (to another account held within UniCredit Bank) 16:30
Interbank (to another account in Romania)  
  • standard (having a standard currency date or a different than minimum value date)
  • urgency3* (minimum value date)

3* The applicable Cut-off Time for urgent CHF and TRY and RUB payments (with same day value date T+0) is set to 1h, 2h, respectively 3h prior to the mentioned Cut-off time – namely 1:30 p.m for CHF and 12:30 p.m for TRY and 11:30 for RUB.

Foreign Exchange 16:30


Term Deposits  
Opening 17:00
Closing4* 17:00


Client's request 5* for disbursements/repayments of granted general needs credit lies  
Request for repayments 12:30
Request for disbursements 13:00 with the exception of the last working day of the month when the Cut-off Time is 12



4* Processing the closing of term deposits requires further verification from the bank side.

5* Clients with turnover > EUR 3 millions

In case of requests and/ or documents sent after the afore-mentioned time limit, the estimated processing time is the next bank day

Any request for disbursements of / repayment of the Loan will be accompanied, as appropriate, by documents and any information requested by the Bank will be submitted to it by the Borrower's representatives.


Money transfers/Foreign exchange sent after the afore-mentioned time limit will be considered received in the next working day.

The minimum and standard currency dates are available in BusinessNet under the menu Information > Payments value dates, and in OnlineBanking under the menu Banking > Useful informations > Payments value dates.


For further information, please contact our Customer Support team:

Phone: +40 21 200 20 20

Online Banking


(Monday - Sunday, 24/7)


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