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Education & Sports

We are aware that a good education system is vital for society development and at the same time, answers our desire to have highly trained future employees. Consequently, we support education and get involved with all our resources to encourage students and youth to achieve excellence.

We believe in the importance of creating a close link between corporations and the academic world that offers students a pragmatic perspective on the professional environment, thus giving them the chance to combinetheir theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge.

Over the years we supported various student organizations activities such as, AIESEC, V.I.P., and C.R.O.S. and provided support to the Central University Library of Bucharest. 

We are also followers of excellence, and sport is one of the areas which exists for and through this concept. In addition, we support competitiveness and want to be the best in our field. In the past  UniCredit Bank has supported various sports competitions in fields such as,yachting, horseback riding, athletics, rowing, and tennis.

Fellowships - Bucharest National University of Arts
Spinning wheel animation


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