Organizational Structure
At UniCredit, the EMC is a managerial committee at Group-level to ensure the effective steering, coordination and control of Group business, as well as an effective alignment of the holding company with the different businesses and geographies.
UniCredit Bank Management Structure
The new management structure of UniCredit Bank was appointed at the Shareholders’ General Assembly Meeting on 17 April 2008. According to the dualist system (Law 31), it consists of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board. Executive Board members cannot be members of the Supervisory Board.
The members of the Supervisory Board of UniCredit Bank are:
Pasquale Giamboi, President of Supervisory Board
Nazan Somer Özelgin Zeynep, Member of Supervisory Board
Faik Acikalin, Member of Supervisory Board
Riccardo Roscini, Vice-President of Supervisory Board
Graziana Mazzone, Member of Supervisory Board
The members of the Executive Board of UniCredit Bank are: