UniCredit Bank is part of UniCredit Group.
UniCredit Bank is one of the main financial institutions, providing services and quality products for all client categories in Romania. In H1 2024, the bank had a nationwide network of 141 branches and 5,169 employees. UniCredit Bank aims to be customer centered, an easy to deal with partner and also very active in the communities in which operates.
UniCredit Bank caters to a variety of client needs through a network of specialized partners: UniCredit Leasing Corporation, UniCredit Consumer Financing, UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions, UniCredit Insurance Broker.
UniCredit Bank in numbers (as of December 31st 2024):
Consolidated profit: 258 millions euro
Loans: 12,4 billions euro
Deposits: 14,1 billions euro
Shareholding structure at 14.11.2024
Majority shareholder
UniCredit S.p.A. -88,7298% of share capital.
Minority shareholders
Romanian private individuals - 1,2726% of share capital
Romanian companies - 0,0441% of share capital
Foreign private individuals - 0,0385% din of share capital
Foreign companies - 9,9150% of share capital
Bank identification data
UniCredit Bank SA, a dual-funded company, headquartered in Romania, Bucharest, Sector 1, Expozitiei No. 1F, Postal Code 012101, registered in the Trade Register under no. J40 / 7706/1991, in the Banking Register under no. RB-PJR-40-011 / 18.02.1999 and registered with ANSPDCP with notice no.10964, single registration code 361536, fiscal attribute RO, subscribed share capital and paid 455.219.478,30 RON.
The Code of Conduct adopted by our Group is intended to ensure we all behave appropriately with respect to colleagues, clients and third parties in our daily activities. The principles of the Code underscore the legal and ethical standards to which we must adhere in order to run our business successfully while at the same time protecting our clients’ interests, mitigating risk, complying with financial regulations, assuring market transparency and safeguarding confidential data. The same approach is expected also from our partners.
Read about UniCredit Bank's Code of Conduct.
Read about UniCredit Bank's Anticorruption Policy.
UniCredit Bank promotes a corporate culture based on ethical conduct and a solid corporate governance, acknowledging the importance of issuing and implementing a Policy regarding Unacceptable Conduct Report- Whistleblowing, available as well for employees and third parties.
The purpose of this Policy is:
- to foster a proper environment where employees and third parties (partners, suppliers, contractors, tied agents, etc) may feel free to make reports on unacceptable conduct of the employees, since they are considered as significantly contributing to self-correction and excellence.
- to define the appropriate channels of communication that allow reports to be received, analyzed and processed within the organization.
- to guarantee the whistleblower’s protection against any form of retaliation, discrimination or sanction following a whistleblowing report made in good faith.
Unacceptable Conduct refers to any action or inaction occurred during the activity or impacting the activity carried out within the Bank, that is or could be harmful to or jeopardize the mission or reputation of the Bank, UniCredit Group or its employees, that may be:
- illegal, unfair or unethical;
- in breach of any applicable legal or regulatory obligations that apply to the employee whilst working;
- a failure to comply with Bank and Group’s Rules and regulation.
Reports may be sent by employees as detailed within the attached Policy.
The Third Parties may send the report using one of the following communication channels:
- in paper form in att. of Compliance Department and/or Internal Audit Department to the following address: UniCredit Bank, 1F Expozitiei Blvd, RO-012101, Bucharest 1, Romania;
- or by sending us a message.