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Financing your business's general needs

Your business plan can be achieved faster with UniCredit Bank's support.

Working capital line for small and medium enterprises

We know it’s hard to start a new business, but you can easily get the support you need to make it grow!

That’s why we offer you working capital line for small enterprises.

Choose the 12-month credit line, which you can renew at maturity, and for which all utilizations and repayments can be easily realized via BusinessNet.



Benefits of the working capital line:

  • Accessibility: you can access the funds necessary for short-term business-generated needs, to cover the gap between earnings and payments, to pay for suppliers, utilities, or other current expenses.
  • Flexibility: available in lei or euros according to the activity and needs of your business.
  • Better evidence of liquidity: Amounts can be used in any current account, and reimbursements can be made from any current account, allowing evidence of amounts used or collected in separate accounts
  • Availability: utilization and reimbursement requests and related documentation, if any, can be transmitted to the Bank with ease via BusinessNet.

For current payments, the Business Credit Card or the General Needs Term Loan may be useful.

Working capital line - overdraft type for small and medium enterprises

We know it’s hard to start a new business, but you can easily get the support you need to make it grow!

That’s why we offer you the working capital line - overdraft type for small enterprises.

Choose the 12-month credit line, which you can renew at maturity.

Benefits of the working capital line - overdraft type:

  • Accessibility: you can access the funds necessary to cover the gap between payments and incoming payments, unexpected expenses, letters of guarantee, credit issuance or other expenses related to current activity.
  • Flexibility: available in lei, according to the activity and needs of your business.
  • Time saver: no justification documents required for general expenditures, so you don’t have to come in our branches for every payment you need to make.

For current payments, the Business Credit Card or the General Needs Term Loan may be useful.

The loan is addressed mainly to companies that want to correlate their incoming payments related to commercial contracts with the reimbursement schedule of a bank’s loan or to those that want a clear product’s reimbursement scheme for a better control of their liquidities.


The loan is offered for a period of maximum 5 years and can be used for general expenses, raw materials, materials, inventories acquisition, commercial contracts financing.

This product also responds to the needs of companies that run seasonal activities.




You have the following benefits:

  • The loan can be granted in: lei or euro;
  • You can opt for monthly reimbursement or, in case of seasonal activities, quarterly reimbursement;
  • You can use the guarantees issued by the National / International Guarantee Funds.


EaSI Guarantee

EaSI Guarantee


The general needs loan can be granted with a 80% guarantee provided by the European Investment Fund.

This financing benefits from a guarantee financed by the European Union within the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (“EaSI”) and the European Fund for Strategic Investments Fund (“EFSI”) established within the investment plan for Europe. The financing that was granted benefits from European Union’s support within the guarantee mechanism set up in the EU Regulation no. 1296/2013 of European Parliament and of the Council for a Union’s program creation for the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (“EaSI”) and within the European Fund for Strategic Investments Fund (“EFSI”) established within the investment plan for Europe. The purpose of EFSI is to support the financing and implementation of productive investments in the European Union and to facilitate the access to financing.

I Additional information regarding EFSI are available on European Commission’s web-site (European Commission’s website) and on Twitter (#investEU).


The EaSI program offers a guarantee tool designed to facilitate the access of micro-enterprises to micro-financing, both in start-up and development phases, supporting the development activity and the economic growth, as well as encouraging the social entrepreneurship development that contributes to employment of persons that have difficulties in maintaining or getting a workplace.


Details regarding EaSI guarantee:


  • No guarantee fee will be charged when granting the guarantee;
  • Guarantees the loans in lei with amounts of maximum 118,710 lei and granted for a period of minimum 6 and maximum 36 months;
  • For loans that benefits from the EaSI guarantee there are not required additional guarantees beside surety and mortgage on current accounts opened at UniCredit Bank;
  • Loans with EaSI guarantee have also a reduced interest rate according to the Agreement with European Investment Fund.


The main eligibility conditions* for micro-enterprises** that want to access this guarantee:

  • They are SMEs with the turnover of maximum 2,000,000 euros and maximum 9 employees;
  • They fulfill the eligibility conditions for the loan described above;
  • They are established and operate in Romania
  • They are not the subject of collective insolvency proceeding and they do not meet the criteria stipulated by the domestic law for being placed in collective insolvency proceedings at their creditors’ request.


How you can access loans with EaSI guarantee:

If you are interested in this type of financing, general needs loan for current expenses with EaSI guarantee, please visit any UniCredit Bank branch where the Bank’s representatives will assess the financing need and match it up with the appropriate type of loan. If, based on Bank’s internal assessment process, the loan is approved, the loan agreement signing follows and, based on it, the related amounts can be accessed.

* In any UniCredit Bank branch, the Bank’s representative is at your disposal with all the necessary details to access the EaSI guarantee

** Micro-enterprises defined according to Commission Regulation (EC) 2003/361/EC: companies with maximum 9 employees and an annual turnover of maximum 2,000,000 euro.

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