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Electronic applications, in addition to the periodic and fast reconciliation of the account statements, can help you manage account records as efficiently as possible.

BusinessNet Basic & Professional

BusinessNet is a web application that lets you make transactions from any computer that has Internet access. The application is in line with the highest security standards as well as ensures a framework for better banking operations. Communication with the Bank is ensured by the SSL protocol or with 256 bytes encrypting, combined with OTP (one-time password) based authentication devices, also known as "token". Thus, we ensure authentication and transaction confidentiality.

The service is available in two distinct versions: Basic and Professional. Both versions offer you a view of your company's accounts, your credit lines, and term deposits. You can visualize the details of all your transactions, including those made with cards, attached to the respective accounts.

See DEMO BusinessNet

See the log-in guide for BusinessNet

BusinessNet Connect


BusinessNet Connect is designed for large and medium-sized companies handling a high number of outgoing and incoming payments. This innovative solution streamlines internal processes and simplifies the procedure of active and passive communication between your company’s Financial and Accounting System (ERP) and BusinessNet Professional. 

By synchronization the data between your Accounting System and BusinessNet Professional, you can automatically:

  • Upload payment files;
  • Download status messages and statements.

All financial data is available on your online ERP System, without having to manually import or export files. 



For additional information, you can contact us at or through your Relationship Manager.

Implementing a central finacial management is a necessity for more and more companies. UniCredit Bank helps you with this issue by creating a series of payment solutions.

European Gate – unique access point
  • The European Gate is a product, available in the UniCredit Group only, that is used to meet international companies’ needs on centralized financial management through modern technical solutions and minimum costs. European Gate allows the use of one single electronic application for payment transfer to the banks pertaining to UniCredit Group;
  • A company that holds an open account at UniCredit Bank in Romania can act as an active party as well as a passive one. When you act as an active party, the electronic application BusinessNet Professional are means by which you can order payments.


MT101 service

Based upon the mandate received from a company that holds an account with our bank, UniCredit Bank accepts transfer instructions from third party banks via messages of the type SWIFT MT101 and makes payments according to such instructions. The company that holds an account with UniCredit Bank can only act as passive party.

SWIFTNet FIN and File Act
  • The services SWIFTNet FIN and File Act suppose the collaboration of your company directly with the SWIFT organization, the procurement of a personal BIC – Business Identifier Code – (the company shall be solely identified in the SWIFT network with this code), and the use of a dedicated application provided by SWIFT or by another IT solution company. SWIFT ensures the network, protocol, and the communication standards with the banks that provide such services to their customers. Such services suppose the role of passive party; 
  • The service SWIFTNet FIN, made available to your company by the bank, offers the possibility to send payment instructions via SWIFT, for execution purposes, exclusively in the standard format SWIFT MT101;
  • The service SWIFTNet FileAct offers the possibility to send payment files from its personal BIC address for execution purposes. Thus, you can benefit from flexibility as it regards the sent file’s format.


For additional information, you can contact us at or through your Relationship Manager.

Dear Customer,



Starting with 31st October  2016, EU Regulation No 260/2012 comes into force in Romania and imposes rules regarding credit transfers initiated in EUR currency to beneficiary banks in the European Union and European Economic Area. Thereby, from the perspective of your company`s relationship with the bank, the most important stipulations of the Regulation are:


  • mandatory use XML format (ISO 20022 standard) when sending EUR payment files to the bank;
  • mandatory use of IBAN to indicate the beneficiary`s account;
  • providing the identifier of the beneficiary's bank BIC code is optional in the payments files.

Thus, starting with 31st October 2016, UniCredit Bank will accept payments files of Euro payments towards beneficiary banks from EU and EEA transmitted through electronic channels in XML format only.

Payments in other currencies and Euro payments to banks outside the EU and EEA will be accepted in current formats.

In order to assists you, we prepared the following documents:







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