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Current account package

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As an entrepreneur, you have 1000 problems.
But the bank isn’t one of them.

You have enough problems. It’s time for solutions. It’s time for a partner that understands you and makes your life easier. That’s why, if you don’t already have products/services from UniCredit Bank, you can receive 600 lei cashback bonus if you meet the campaign’s requirements*.

The standard price of the MicroStar package is 45 lei/month. However, if you meet the campaign’s requirements*, you can use the 600 lei prize to cover any cost. 

Discover the free benefits included in the MicroStar current account package.


Current accounts


2 current accounts in Lei

2 current accounts in foreign currency (EUR or/and USD)


Bonus services


Free Direct Debit with partners with whom UniCredit Bank has contracts in force

Info SMS


Free transactions


10 interbank payments in Lei/month via BusinessNet, from the main account included in the package**

Withdrawals with debit card included in the package, at UniCredit Bank and UniCredit Group ATMs, as well as at Euronet Romania ATMs

Transactions through UniCredit Bank's Self Service (BNA) machines with the debit card included in the package or barcode


Business flexibility


A debit card (Visa Business Silver or Mastercard Business Gold)

BusinessNet Basic or Professional with Mobile Token included

Business Mobile

Can’t find every option that you need in the base package? You can personalize your MicroStar account by choosing the following extraoptions***: 

Extraoptions MicroStar Current Account Package


Unlimited electronic interbank payments in Lei from the accounts included in the current IMM package** 55 Lei / month

55 Lei / month


Unlimited electronic interbank payments in foreign currency from the accounts included in current IMM package **

65 Lei / month


Payments and receipts in Lei with cheques and promissory notes from/in the accounts included in the package**

100 Lei / month


Withdrawals with main debit card included in the current account package from any ATM in Romania

120 Lei / month

cont IMM

Extra reasons to choose the MicroStar current account package from UniCredit Bank:



Your remote banking solution for the digital transformation of your company, without administration costs.***** 


Personalized Line of Credit

Have access to money for short term needs, generated by carrying out your activity, to cover the gap bewtween receipts and payments, to pay suppliers, utilities or other current expenses.****


The MicroStar transaction package is dedicated to legal entities with an annual turnover of up to 1 million EUR. For products or services that are not included in the package, the standard fees and commissions apply according to the list of tariffs and commissions in force.

* The campaign is dedicated to legal entities with an annual turnover of up to  1 million EUR, trading companies established and registered in accordance with the provisions of Law 31/1990, self employed and professionals, entities without legal personality, registered in Romania, who at the start of the campaign do not own products/services from UniCredit and who purchase the package during the campaign period. This takes place between March 3, 2025 and February 27, 2026 and is subject to terms and conditions. The regulation of the " Bun venit, Antreprenor! 2025" campaign, including the complete participation rules and its running mechanism is available on in the Micro "Useful documents" section and can be provided on request in any UniCredit Bank branch.

** The gratuities and discounts refer exclusively to the commissions charged by UniCredit. It does not apply to Sent/ReGIS fees, respectively the fees of correspondent banks. For the products or services that are not included in the above, the standard fees and commissions apply according to the list of tariffs and commissions in force.

*** An extra option can only be purchased together with the GeniusIMM package (cost 45 Lei/month), not separately. Extra options can be combined with each other.

**** This UniCredit Bank product/service is available to all customers, regardless of the purchase of a GeniusIMM current account package. In the case of new customers (without products/services owned by UniCredit Bank) who purchase the GeniusIMM package, the inquiry fee based on Trade Registry data is zero and a single is applied.

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