You can perform all types of bank transactions:
Transfers are facilitated by:
The BusinessNet Professional package includes a facility of interfacing with accounting and administration systems (ERP) through:
MOBILITY. You can access BusinessNet anywhere you have an Internet connection. Also, you can access BusinessNet using international user(s).
FLEXIBILITY. The application doesn't need to be installed and it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
SAVING TIME. You no longer need to go to the branch and thus the transaction processing time is reduced.
SAVING MONEY. The transaction processing fees for this service are 70% lower than those for transactions done at the cash desk.
For the safety of your transactions and in order to eliminate any risk of theft of your personal data through Internet network, starting with October 28th 2014, the application BusinessNet Professional can be accessed using only the most recent browser versions.
The application can be access using the following versions:
- minimum version: 10 for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 operating systems;
Do not forget to protect your computer with specific security products (firewall, antivirus, anti-spy) and update them periodically.
What are the conditions for becoming a BusinessNet user?
If you are a client of the Bank, in order to become a user of BusinessNet you need to sign a contract form at any UniCredit Bank branch and specify the accounts that you want to access through BusinessNet.
How secure is BusinessNet?
In order to ensure the security of transactions it is used the SSL protocol with an encryption key of 256-bits, the most used data-encoding algorithm in the commercial field.
For each connection you need to enter the PIN code in the TOKEN security device that you receive upon signing the contract for BusinessNet. A security code is generated, which is available for 30 seconds and needs to be input in the BusinessNet application in order to connect or to validate the signature.
How is the personal identification done?
The personal identification is done based on user name and security code. The user name is found in the contract you signed for the BusinessNet application. The security code is the number generated by the TOKEN/Mobile Token app, after you input the PIN code.
What is the TOKEN security device?
The TOKEN is an electronic device that generates a unique access code, named security code, which is used to access BusinessNet and to approve any performed operations.
What is the MobileToken app?
The Mobile Token is an electronic application that generates an unique access code, named security code, which is used to access BusinessNet and to approve any performed operations.
What is the PIN?
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a 5 digit code that protects the access to the TOKEN security device. This code is set by the client upon receiving the TOKEN device and can be subsequently changed.
IMPORTANT! To ensure the security of transactions UniCredit Bank recommends you NOT to write down the PIN code in a visible place and much less directly on the TOKEN device.
What happens if I entered a wrong PIN code?
If a wrong PIN is entered 3 times consecutively, the device will be blocked (the text LOCK PIN and a 7 digit number will appear). In this case, please come in the nearest branch for unlocking or call +40 21 200 20 20.
What happens if the user name is incorrectly input?
If the user name is incorrectly input three times (not necessarily in a row) the access will be blocked, and at the next attempt you will receive the message "User and/or token blocked. Please contact the Customer Support Department". Please call +40 21 200 20 20 to receive unblocking instructions.
What happens if the security code is input incorrectly?
If the token is input incorrectly 3 times consecutively, the access to BusinessNet will be blocked. Please call the Info Center at +40 21 200 20 20 for unlocking.
What should I do if I lose my TOKEN security device or if it is stolen from me?
In the case of loss or theft of the TOKEN security device please call immediately the Info Center at +40 21 200 20 20 for blocking the device.
Why can't I connect to BusinessNet?
When encountering difficulties connecting to BusinessNet, please check the following first:
Why can't I access all my accounts with BusinessNet?
In this case please check that the missing accounts are mentioned in the BusinessNet contract. If thery are not mentioned, please contact one of our branches. If they are mentioned, please call our Info Center at +4021 200 20 20.
What is the transaction limit?
There is no transaction limitation, but you can request a limitation per transaction or a daily limitation. This limitation is valid for all transaction performed through BusinessNet. For information, questions or help, please contact the Info Center at +4021 200 20 20.
Was my transaction performed?
After the transaction was performed in good conditions the message " Transaction successfully performed" will appear in the upper-left corner. Otherwise a message regarding the cause of the error will appear. You can check that the transactions performed in the payment list or directly in the account history.
When you schedule or change a payment order, you can view the list of transactions directly in the corresponding section of the menu.
What is the exchange rate to be used for the foreign currency exchange?
The exchange rate to be used for performing the transaction is the one used by the bank at the time the order is processed. For an exchange to be processed by the bank with the date of the current working day, transfers have to be sent to the bank before the procesing limit hour (Cut-Off-Time).
In case this deadline is exceeded, transactions will be processed with the date of the next working day. In case of currency exchanges the exchange rates for the current day are no longer valid after Cut-Off-Time. The transactions sent after this time will be processed with the first exchange rate valid for the next working day.
IMPORTANT! To get information regarding the Cut-Off-Time please contact the account officers from the branches or contact the Infi Center at +40 21 200 20 20 or email:
NOTE: the rates displayed on the UniCredit Bank website are only with informative value and do not bind the bank in any way with regard to the rate that will be used when processing your order. To determine the exchange rate used for the said transaction, please contact your account officer.
Is there a multi-signature possibility for transactions performed through BusinessNet?
Yes, the multiple signature menu can be activated upon request. If you are interested in this option please contact your account officer and provide information related to the list of accounts available for multi-signature, the list of persons with signature right, the rules of signature and the limits related to the corresponding accounts.
What transaction types may receive multiple signature?
Multiple signatures can be requested in the following cases:
Can you set up users for the BusinessNet Application only with viewing right?
Yes, users with viewing right can be set up. The setting up of the user rights is done for each account, so that a certain user can be granted different rights for the accounts available through BusinessNet. The users with viewing right on all accounts will have a special designated menu.
Is there a possibility to search in the history of transactions?
Yes, a certain transaction can be searched in the history by accessing menu Accounts ? History search. The searching criteria may be the period, transaction type, IBAN, bank, amount, payment details or reference number of the payment.
What is the extracts section (MT940)?
This option is available for the BusinessNet Professional version and offers you the possibility to view and save electronically the account extract with all the details (balance at the beginning od day, balance at the end of day, transaction details, total credit, total debit). Also, you have the possibility to download the extract in the standard MT940 international format for further processing (for example, import in your accounting programme). In order to activate this option, please contact your relationship manager. In case you have more questions regarding the MT940 option, please contact our Info Center at +4021 200 20 20.
What is the Import and Upload menu?
This option is available for the BusinessNet Professional version and offers you the possibility to import a single file that contains several payments (for example, salary payments). For more details and assistance in importing the information, please contact our Info Center at +4021 200 20 20.
How can I switch from BusinessNet Basic to BusinessNet Profesional?
Please contact you relationship manager for more details regarding the switch.