OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR HUMAN CAPITALsupport inclusive economic growth by investing in:
Encouraging employment and labor mobility, especially among young people and people who are outside the labor market;
Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty;
Supporting education, developing skills and encouraging lifelong learning.
HC OP has 7 Priority Axis (PA):
PA 1: Jobs for youngsters
Customized services for information, counseling and guidance to identify the best options for support - education, training, employment - or, where possible or necessary, a combination of the three options of support
Training programs
Evaluation and certification to recognize competencies gained in informal and non-formal context
Financial incentives for employers in order to create jobs for young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training), including apprenticeship schemes and internships
Financial support for business foundation
Counseling and training in entrepreneurship
Financial support for young people who find a job in another area / region through mobility and / or installation awards
PA 2: Improving the situation of youngsters included in the NEETs category
Customized services for information, counseling and guidance to identify the best options for support - education, training, employment - or, where possible or necessary, a combination of the three options of support
Training programs
Evaluation and certification to recognize competencies gained in informal and non-formal context
Financial incentives for employers in order to create jobs for young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training), including apprenticeship schemes and internships
Financial support for business foundation
Counseling and training in entrepreneurship
Financial support for young people who find a job in another area / region through mobility and / or installation awards
PA 3: Jobs for all
Target group:
Persons seeking for a job employment, in particular:
Long-term unemployed
Inactive persons
Elders from labor market (55-64 years)
Roma people
People with disabilities
Other vulnerable groups
People from rural area
Categories of interventions:
Improving labor market participation for people looking for a job and those inactive, with particular focus on long-term unemployed, elders from labor market (55-64 years), Roma people, people with disabilities, people from rural area and other vulnerable groups
Employment growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and business start-ups
Stimulation of the employers’ participation to the in employees’ training
Adaptation to change of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs
Modernization of the Employment Public Service
PA 4: Social inclusion and fighting poverty
Categories of interventions:
Integrated measures for communities situated at risk of poverty (target areas: education, incentives for apprenticeships and internships, support for the development of insertion social enterprises, supporting the development of social services, as well as integrated community health and social services, provided in the community, action to facilitate and mediate the relations between various relevant actors):
Increase social inclusion of vulnerable groups
Development of social economy and promoting social entrepreneurship
Improvement of the quality and access to social services and healthcare
Increase of the quality of services offered to the community (focusing on the transition from institutional to community-based services)
Target group:
People at risk of poverty and social exclusion, in particular:
The unemployed and people with very low incomes
The elders
Roma population
People with disabilities
Main orientation:
Common calls HC OP / ROP (urban) and HC OP / RDP (rural) for integrated interventions
Priority for communities with significant Roma population
Encouragement of social economy development, including social entrepreneurship, including through the usage of financial instruments
Introduction of mechanisms as global grant type, along with calls for projects
PA 5: Local development placed under community responsibility
Categories of intervention: Integrated measures for communities at risk of poverty.
PA 6: Education and competencies
Reducing and preventing early school leaving and promoting access to preschool, primary and secondary quality education;
Improving the quality and efficiency of tertiary education and of the access to it;
Increasing equal access to lifelong learning.
Main orientation:
Focus on: increasing access and participation especially for vulnerable groups and disadvantaged communities, focusing on Roma population;
Support mainly for strengthening the links with the labor market / business sector (technical and vocational education, tertiary education, lifelong learning);