COMPETITIVENESS OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMEaims to foster smart growth, thus promoting knowledge and innovation-based economy by investing in:
Strengthening of research, technological development and innovation
Increasing the usage, quality and access to information and communication technologies
Competitiveness OP has 2 Priority Axis:
Priority Axis 1 - Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) to support economic competitiveness and business development:
Promoting investment in R&I, developing of links and synergies between enterprises, research and development centers and higher education institutions
Enhancement of research and innovation infrastructures and the capacity to develop excellence in R&I and promoting competence centers
Categories of funded interventions:
Stimulation of enterprises’ demand for innovation by RDI projects developed by individual companies or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities in order to innovate process and product in the sectors which have potential for growth;
Measures of capital risk for innovative SMEs;
Loans and guarantees for innovative SMEs and research organizations that meet market demands;
Support of innovative start-up and spin-offs;
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships;
Large infrastructures of R&D (including 2 major projects: ELI -NP and Danubius);
Developing of networks of R&D centers, nationally coordinated and linked with European and international networks and providing access to scientific publications and European and international databases to researchers;
Creating synergies with RDI actions of Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union and other international RDI programs;
Attracting foreign staff with advanced skills in order to consolidate RDI capacity.
Priority Axis 2 - Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy
Strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e-learning, digital inclusion, online culture and e-health;
Development of ICT products and services, e-commerce and demand for ICT;
Expanding broadband operation and diffusion of high-speed networks and supporting the adoption of emerging technologies and the networks for digital economy.
Main guidelines:
Four key areas for ICT development:
e-government interoperability, information security, cloud computing and social media;
ICT in education, social inclusion, health and culture;
e-Commerce and innovation in ICT;
Broadband infrastructure and digital services.
Focus to the principles of e-government type 2.0, online public services in intuitive forms and life events
Categories of funded interventions:
Development, consolidation and ensuring the interoperability of information systems dedicated to e-government services 2.0, centered to the events from the citizens’ and businesses’ life;
Ensuring cyber security of the ICT systems and the computer networks;
Ensuring the usage of cloud computing technologies and of social media collaboration technologies;
Promotion and usage of the Open Data and of the Big Data for analysis and reporting at national level;
Improving digital skills and enhance digital content, including ICT system infrastructure in e-learning, e-inclusion, e-health and e-culture;
Increasing the value added generated by ICT and innovation in the field by developing clusters / poles of competitiveness;
Supporting the usage of ICT for business development, in particular the framework for conducting e-commerce;
Improvement of the broadband infrastructure and access to internet.