Supporting swine breeders who provide growth conditions above those imposed by European and national legislation.
Relevant documentation: Guide Measure 215 from PNDR (National Program for Rural Development)
The total public contribution (both EU and national) for Measure 215 (swine and poultry) is 372.879.978,00 Euro.
Amount (per UVM - livestock unit)
Credit amount
Max 90% of swine welfare subsidy offered value
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
Credit maturity
2015 December 31
Aid request submitted to APIA. Submission deadline: 2014 July 16– August 18.
Quaterly request submitted to APIA until analysis time (2014 July 16 – October 15; 2015 October 16 – January 15; 2015 January 16– April 15; 2015 16 April – July 15)
Applicants shall submit a single aid application for all holdings owned with ANSVSA code at APIA county center where the applicant office is registered (headquarter). You can request one, combination of two or more packages of support (measures).
Certificate issued by APIA as of APIA signed Convention model, specifying:
Supporting poultry breeders who provide growth conditions above those imposed by European and national legislation.
Relevant documentation
Guide Measure 215 from PNDR (National Program for Rural Development)
Value (per UVM -livestock unit)
Credit amount
Max 90% of poultry welfare subsidy offered value
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
Credit maturity
2015 March 30th
Aid request submitted to APIA. Submission deadline: 2013 October 16th – November 15th.
Certificate issued by APIA as of APIA signed Convention model, specifying:
Quaterly request submitted to APIA until the time of analysis (2013 October 16th – 2014 January 15th; 2014 January 16th – April 15th; 2014 April 16th– July 15th; 2014 July 16th– October 15th)
Applicants shall submit a single aid application for all holdings owned with ANSVSA code at APIA county center where the applicant office is registered (headquarter). You can request one, combination of two or more packages of support (measures).
Relevant documentation
General Legislation
Legislation related to the maximum amount of interest / fees
Specific Legislation / amount
Annually established by Government Decision
Annually established by Government Decision
19.81 euro/ha
Credit amount
Max 80% of PNDC1 (complementary national direct payments) subsidy offered value
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
Credit maturity
2015 March 31th
Aid request submitted to APIA
Collected PNDC subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1)
Certificate issued by APIA which specifies:
Supporting all cattle growing farmers.
General legislation
OUG 125/2006 on direct payment schemes and complementary national direct payments approval, which are granted in agriculture since 2007, and on amending Article 2 of Law No. 36/1991 for agricultural companies and other forms of association in agriculture, approved with modifications and completions by Law No. 139/2007, with subsequent amendments and completions.
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order no. 573/2014 for the approval in implementation, specific conditions, eligibility criteria, terms of reference and model for applying for transitional national aid in the livestock sector for cattle and sheep / goat and for applying specific aid for milk and beef producers and milk and meat of sheep / goat producers from disadvantaged areas in 2014, according to the Community regulations in the field.
Legislation related to the maximum amount of interest / fees
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order No. 703/2013 approving the conditions in which agreements between banking and non-banking institutions and Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture are concluded, in order for them to finance current activities for payment beneficiaries conducted by the Agency.
Specific legislation / amount /budget 2014/2015
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order no. 1456/2014 approving conditions for financing decoupled scheme on meat sector agreements in transitional national aid for cattle sector and for payment of certificate aid amount
Approved budget 2014/2015
Established annually
300 lei / cattle
Credit amount
Max 100% of certificate aid amount
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
2015 April 30th
Aid request submitted to APIA ("registration receipt")
Collected subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1)
Certificate issued by APIA which specifies:
Supporting all sheep/goat growing farmers.
Farm eligibility depending on animal number:
General legislation
OUG 125/2006 on direct payment schemes and complementary national direct payments approval, which are granted in agriculture since 2007, and on amending Article 2 of Law No. 36/1991 for agricultural companies and other forms of association in agriculture, approved with modifications and completions by Law No. 139/2007, with subsequent amendments and completions.
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order no. 573/2014 for the approval in implementation, specific conditions, eligibility criteria, terms of reference and model for applying for transitional national aid in the livestock sector for cattle and sheep / goat and for applying specific aid for milk and beef producers and milk and meat of sheep / goat producers from disadvantaged areas in 2014, according to the Community regulations in the field.
Legislation related to the maximum amount of interest / fees
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order No. 703/2013 approving the conditions in which agreements between banking and non-banking institutions and Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture are concluded, in order for them to finance current activities for payment beneficiaries conducted by the Agency.
Specific legislation/amount 2014/2015
The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order no. 1472/30.09.2014 approving conditions for financing coupled scheme on sheep/goat sector agreements in transitional national aid and for payment of certificate aid amount.
Approved budget 2014/2015
Established annually
20 lei / sheep/goat
Credit amount
Max 100% of certificate aid amount
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
2015 June 30th
Aid request submitted to APIA ("registration receipt")
Collected subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1)
Certificate issued by APIA which specifies:
General legislation
OUG 125/2006 on direct payment schemes and complementary national direct payments approval, which are granted in agriculture since 2007, and on amending Article 2 of Law No. 36/1991 for agricultural companies and other forms of association in agriculture.
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Minister of Environment and Forests order no. 30/147/2010 for adoption of measures for good agricultural and environmental conditions in Romania, with subsequent amendments.
Legislation related to the maximum amount of interest / fees
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development order No. 703/2013 approving the conditions in which agreements between banking and non-banking institutions and Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture are concluded, in order for them to finance current activities for payment beneficiaries conducted by the Agency.
Specific legislation /amount 2014/2015
HG 863/07.10.2014 for establishing 2014 single area direct payments amount, separate specific payments for rice and sugar, given in vegetable farming sector.
120 euro / ha
Exchange rate subsidies value is 4.4102 LEI / EURO, ECB exchange rate valid on September 30th, 2014
Besides direct subsidy per ha, there are additional subsidies for 2014/2015 year:
Credit amount
Max 90% of certificate aid amount
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
2015 March 31st
Aid request submitted to APIA ("registration receipt")
Collected subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1)
Certificate issued by APIA which specifies:
Support conversion / replanting of vineyards noble varieties
Relevant legislation
247/2008 order on the approval for restructuring programs / conversion of vineyards implementing rules, developed with community support for campaigns 2008/2009 - 2013/2014.
Subsidy value
Max on a measure: 9,548 euro
You can combine several measures (and reach about 13,500 euro / ha)
Annual budget
42,1 mio euro
Credit amount
Up to 90% of the surface arising from the quantitative and qualitative minute of final acceptance.
Submission period of individual plans for vineyard campaign 2013-2014
County and Bucharest agencies for agriculture registration:
APIA registration:
Performance bond
500 euro/ha as:
The performance bond shall be valid for a period equal to the period needed for individual plan measures implementation, plus 90 days in APIA favor.
The guarantee shall be registered in the same time with the measure starting declaration.
* The guarantee is not required for beneficiaries who have requested advance and who have to present the Advance Letter of Guarantee.
Deadline for receiving the subsidy
APIA subsidy payment is made in max 180 days after the quantitative and qualitative final acceptance.
Aid request submitted to APIA, together with explanatory memorandum
Collected subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1) - if any
Completion statement submitted to APIA
Quantitative and qualitative minute of final acceptance issued by authorities.
Certificate issued by APIA on request status check, issued after the date of quantitative and qualitative minute of final acceptance.
Notified assignment of receivables in favor of UniCredit Bank
In Axis II of the PNDR for 2007-2013 are provided funding measures from FEADR and national budget, aimed at granting compensatory payments for users of agricultural land surface, for following measures:
National Rural Development Program 2007-2013, approved by European Commission Decision No. C (2008) 3831 of 16 July 2008, as amended and supplemented
According to 3 eligible measures allocations of PNDR
Credit amount
Max 80% of certificate aid amount
Guarantees (FGCR/FNGCIMM)
Max 80% of granted loan value
2015 March 31st
Aid request submitted to APIA ("registration receipt")
Collected subsidies history for previous years (n-3, n-2, n-1)
Certificate issued by APIA which specifies:
Notified assignment of receivables in favor of UniCredit Bank
Final payment decision issued by APIA